Uplistsikhe Cave City


On the banks of the Kura River, not far from the city of Gori (12 km), there is an amazing place – the cave city of Uplistsikhe. The city is hidden from the outside world by natural fences: a mountain and a river.

It was in this city that Queen Tamara was crowned and crowned. In addition to residential caves, there are temples, theaters, pharmacies. Uplistsikhe had numerous fortifications, was equipped with drains, wells.

The rock rooms were decorated with architectural elements, wine storehouses were located along the streets. This settlement was formed in the I millennium BC, and was finally abandoned in the XIX century.

During its heyday, Uplistsikhe had more than 700 cave structures. The city was destroyed many times not only by invaders, but also by earthquakes.

No more than 150 cave structures have survived to this day.

Uplistsikhe City is an open–air museum. This landmark is protected by UNESCO. Visiting the cave city is a unique opportunity to see and feel the ancient history of Georgia.

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