The first flight of Georgian Airways: Tbilisi - St. Petersburg

Самолет взлетает из аэропорта

Georgian airline Georgian Airways has made its first flight to St. Petersburg. Now passengers will be able to fly from Pulkovo airport to the capital of Georgia twice a week - on Wednesdays and Sundays. The provider of Pulkovo Airport services, Air Gates of the Northern Capital LLC, announced the start of flights on the Tbilisi - St. Petersburg - Tbilisi route.

Georgian Airways route: Tbilisi - Saint Petersburg - Tbilisi

The company's press release says: "Georgian Airways has started operating flights on the Tbilisi - St. Petersburg - Tbilisi route today." The new opportunity to fly from Georgia to Russia pleases both the company and passengers. The route will be serviced twice a week by Boeing 737 aircraft.

Asiyat Khalvashi, Director of Aviation Commerce at the Northern Capital Air Gate Company, notes: "We are pleased to welcome the first flight of Georgian Airways. Passengers will appreciate the opportunity to continue their journey to popular destinations around the world."

Restoration of air traffic between Georgia and Russia

The middle of May has become a significant time in the history of air traffic between Russia and Georgia. In 2019, Russia unilaterally banned direct flights between the two countries. However, after the ban was lifted, the first flight on May 19 was performed by the Russian air carrier Azimuth, and on May 20 the Georgian Airways plane left for Moscow. Later, in mid-July,

the Red Wings airline also started operating flights on this route.

Interesting facts

- The ban on direct flights was introduced after mass protests in Tbilisi caused by the appearance of Russian State Duma deputy Sergei Gavrilov in the Georgian Parliament building.

- Georgian Airways offers passengers a wide range of destinations around the world after arriving in St. Petersburg.

- The Boeing 737 is one of the most popular and reliable aircraft in the world.

- Air communication between Georgia and Russia plays an important role in the development of tourism and economic ties between the two countries.

As a result, bearing in mind all the difficulties and limitations, Georgian Airways airlines provide an opportunity for passengers to enjoy traveling between the capitals of two beautiful countries and continue their journey around the world.

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  • A
    Статья сообщает о запуске первого рейса авиакомпании Georgian Airways из Тбилиси в Санкт-Петербург. Это важное событие для развития туризма между Грузией и Россией. Здесь описываются расписание рейса, преимущества предлагаемых услуг и дополнительные детали. Это отличная новость для тех, кто планирует посетить Грузию из Санкт-Петербурга или наоборот. Статья вдохновляет людей на новые возможности для путешествий и укрепления связей между двумя странами.