Passenger traffic in the aviation hubs of Tbilisi and Batumi continues to grow rapidly


Located in the country since 2005 and with a contract until 2027, the subsidiary of TAV Airports Holding is doing everything possible to develop aviation infrastructure and ensure fast and comfortable passenger transportation.

In December 2023, Tbilisi Shota Rustaveli Airport registered a 16% increase in passenger traffic compared to the same period in 2022. This positive trend is encouraging, especially given the difficulties that the global aviation industry has faced during the pandemic. In December of this year, Tbilisi served 303,620 passengers, which is 37% more than in 2019. This suggests that the capital of Georgia is gradually but surely recovering and becoming more attractive to tourists and businessmen.

Batumi Airport, named after the famous Georgian philosopher Alexander Kartveli, also does not lag behind Tbilisi in terms of passenger traffic growth. In December last year, 28,556 passengers used this aviation hub, which is 13% more than in the previous reporting year 2022, and 9% more than in December 2019. These impressive figures indicate the ever-growing popularity of Batumi as a tourist and business center of the Black Sea coast.

One of the key assets of TAV Georgia is TAV Airports Holding. Thanks to large investments of $220 million, new passenger terminals were built at the airports of Tbilisi and Batumi in 2007. In addition, in 2016-2017, the runway was fully rehabilitated and a new arrival terminal was built in Tbilisi. Such serious investments have made TAV Georgia one of the most reliable, stable and dynamically developing companies in Georgia.

She also invests significantly in staff development, providing jobs to more than 1.3 thousand employees in Georgia. This is important for the country's economy, as thanks to TAV Georgia, new jobs are created annually, which contribute to improving the standard of living and prosperity of society. The company continues to actively work to further develop the aviation infrastructure and continue to pleasantly surprise passengers with its new and improved services.

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  • Н
    Положительная динамика роста пассажиропотока в аэропортах Тбилиси и Батуми за последние годы радует, особенно в контексте сложностей, связанных с пандемией. Инвестиции компании TAV Georgia в новые терминалы и реабилитацию взлетно-посадочной полосы позволили сделать их одними из самых современных и комфортабельных в регионе. Благодаря активной работе компании, создаются новые рабочие места и повышается уровень жизни в стране.