Record nut harvest: Georgia foreshadows impressive successes

Смак. Торговля орехами

In Georgia, the days of waiting for a record harvest of nuts are coming, in which Georgian farmers hope to see amazing results. Since August of this year, hardworking farmers have started harvesting fruits. Experts predict an increase in the harvest by 30%, compared with the indicators of 2022. The head of the Nut Producers Association, Georgy Todua, said that along with the quantitative growth of the nut harvest, this year is also marked by an improvement in its quality, and, consequently, an increase in prices. Georgy Todua highlighted the current state of affairs in the nut industry, stating that the current price for raw nuts is 3 lari per kilogram. This actually means that the price of dried nuts reaches about 4 lari. According to Todua, the quality indicators of nuts have significantly improved compared to last year. Inevitably, such changes affect the price, because in the same period of 2022, one kilogram of raw nuts was estimated at only 1.5-2 lari.

This upward trend in the nut growing sector in Georgia is closely linked to the active support of the state. The Ministry of Agriculture has allocated an additional 20 million lari to the nut production sector. Due to this grant, farmers received 500 lari for each hectare in the form of agricultural vouchers. Such support has become a key factor in the qualitative improvement of the situation. This year, more than 50 thousand tons of nuts are expected to be harvested, which is a third more than in the previous season. But it is important to note here that not only quantity plays a significant role. In 2022, the quality of nuts was insufficient, as the plants suffered greatly from diseases and pests. However, proper care, including plant treatment, timely harvesting and a careful drying process have led to improvements. It can be seen that farmers who carefully followed all the rules achieved the highest quality of nuts. This success has become an important incentive and a useful experience for other farmers. Such actions have a real impact on the market, because premium products are 1-2 GEL more expensive. It is important to emphasize that this achievable level is the result of close cooperation between the state and farmers, which allows opening new horizons in the nut industry.

It is undeniable that Georgia has been confidently holding positions in the top ten nut exporting countries over the past decades. In the 2022-2023 season, Georgia took the honor of 6th place in the global ranking of nut-producing countries. It is worth remembering that the highest achievements of the nut industry were recorded in the 2014-2015 season, when Georgia firmly held the 3rd position in terms of exports of nuts to international markets. The export of nuts brought significant revenue in the amount of about 180 million US dollars. However, in 2016, Georgia, while maintaining revenue, shifted from the 3rd to the 5th position among the leaders of the world market of nuts. The story became more complicated in 2017, when nut plantations suffered from the spread of pests. This affected the yield and quality of products, leading to a decrease in export revenue. Summing up, it can be noted that Georgia has moved from 5th to 6th place among the leading exporting countries of the nut market.

It should be emphasized that in Georgia, in addition to individual farms and Georgian agricultural holdings, foreign participants in the world nut market are also active. A subsidiary of the Italian corporation "Ferrero Trading LUX S.A" and the structure of the Swiss company "Chocolats Camille Bloch" SA manage their own nut plantations in Georgia, emphasizing the international importance and prospects of this precious industry in the country.

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  • Y
    В Грузии ожидается рекордный урожай орехов, что предвещает впечатляющие успехи. Улучшение качества и повышение цен на орехи стали результатом активной поддержки государства и правильного ухода со стороны фермеров. Этот тренд в ореховодческой сфере имеет положительное воздействие на экономику страны и привлекает интерес иностранных компаний. Все это делает ореховую отрасль Грузии перспективной и значимой на мировом рынке.
  • A
    Радует, что министерство и правительство Грузии решило более активно поддерживать и спонсировать именно этот сектор, и конечно теперь есть положительные плоды этой работы. Орехи безумно полезны, всегда можно брать на перекус или заменить ими сладости. Одной горсти орешков в день даже достаточно чтобы получить нужный набор микроэлементов для нашего организма.