The growth of the tourism industry in Georgia: income and number of visitors

Встреча туристов в Грузии

Tourism revenues in Georgia in the first three quarters of 2023 reached $3,251.6 million, according to the National Bank of Georgia. This is good news for a country that is actively recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Tourism revenues for 2022 exceeded the figures of 2019, the peak year for Georgian tourism.

Tourism growth in Georgia

Tourism in Georgia began to recover after the recession caused by the pandemic in the summer of 2021. By the beginning of 2023, the tourism industry was able to recover its performance by 58% compared to 2019, when Georgia reached its peak in tourism activity.

Increase in revenue and number of visitors

Compared to the same period last year, tourism revenues for the first three quarters of 2023 increased by 29.2%. This growth means that Georgia is gaining popularity among visitors to the world. Visits to the country have also increased markedly, and the number of international tourists in January-September 2023 increased by 43%, reaching 5.6 million.

Priorities of tourism development in Georgia Popularization of Georgian tourism in international markets is an important priority of the Government of Georgia. In 2022, Russia was the largest exporter of Georgian wine, and the Russian Federation continues to be one of the main markets for Georgian wine.

The importance of the wine industry for Georgia

The tradition of growing grapes and making wine in Georgia dates back eight thousand years and is an integral part of Georgian culture. Images of the vine and wine were widely used in folk art and in monuments of spiritual and material culture. In 2013, the Georgian method of aging wine in clay jugs (kvevri) was included in the UNESCO list of untouchable cultural heritage.

Tourism recovery after the pandemic

After the COVID-19 pandemic, Georgia's tourism industry was able to recover and show impressive growth. In 2022, Georgia attracted 5.4 million international tourists, and this figure exceeded the number of visitors in 2019.

Georgia is a unique and beautiful corner of the world, attracting more and more tourists from different countries. The growth of the tourism industry in Georgia contributes to the development of the country's economy and contributes to the preservation and promotion of Georgian culture and wine. This gives us great hope that Georgia will continue to attract travelers with its unique charm and hospitality.

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  • A
    Грузия все больше привлекает внимание к себе среди туристов. Грузия отличное место для отдыха, прекрасные погодные условия, история и культурное наследие этой страны. Побывав в Грузии хоть раз, захочется возвращаться сюда снова и снова!
  • A
    Статья демонстрирует впечатляющий рост туристической отрасли в Грузии. Высокий уровень доходов и увеличение числа посетителей указывают на то, что Грузия стала все более популярным туристическим направлением. Этот успех объясняется разнообразием природных и культурных достопримечательностей, гостеприимством местных жителей и привлекательными туристическими условиями. Развитие туризма в Грузии положительно сказывается на экономике страны, создает новые рабочие места и способствует улучшению жизни местного населения. Важно, чтобы этот рост был устойчивым и экологически ответственным, чтобы сохранить природные красоты и культурное наследие Грузии для будущих поколений.