Infrastructure projects: Abastumani is preparing to become a world-class resort

Вид на Абастумани

The healing properties of the historical Georgian resort of Abastumani are well known and recognized not only by locals, but also by tourists from all over the world. The magnificent air of this resort, especially useful for patients with lung diseases, as well as its thermal springs attract lovers of recreational recreation.

Important work on the restoration and development of Abastumani has already been completed. The head of the Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia, Levan Davitashvili, told investors that the renovated resort will be ready to receive tourists in compliance with modern standards. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure, twenty historical houses of the XIX-XX centuries, the national astrophysical observatory, built in the 32nd year of the last century, and the cable car, built more than forty years ago, were completely reconstructed.

Mr. Davitashvili is confident in the success of cooperation between the state and business and will contribute to the development of Abastumani together with investors. He expressed his confidence that the renovated resort will become a unique place capable of hosting thousands of guests.

During the meeting, issues related to the development of Abastumani and the construction of various facilities in the resort were discussed. A coordinated meeting was held with the participation of ten investors. During the meeting, investors provided the Deputy Prime Minister with information on the progress of construction works, confirming that they were going according to plan. Davitashvili stressed that for the development of Abastumani, it is important for the constant interaction of the state with the private sector, which is engaged in the restoration and renovation of the resort. It is planned that the renovated resort will be able to receive tourists already in the summer season of 2025.

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    Статья рассказывает о развитии инфраструктуры и инфраструктурных проектов в Абастумани, что делает этот город готовым стать курортом мирового уровня. Это важное развитие для туризма в Грузии и предоставляет новые возможности для туристов. Улучшение инфраструктуры, строительство новых объектов и разработка местных достопримечательностей способствуют привлечению большего числа туристов и создают лучшие условия для отдыха и развлечений. Развитие Абастумани в курорт мирового уровня позволит Грузии привлекать туристов со всего мира. Надеемся, что эти инфраструктурные проекты будут успешно реализованы и позволят Абастумани раскрыть свой потенциал как туристическое место, привлекая больше посетителей и поднимая уровень туристического сервиса в регионе.