Georgia is once again open to tourists, but not everyone will be able to be on the other side of the line

Туристы с рюкзаками гуляют по Сванети

The Georgian government has decided to resume access to the country from June 1, 2021 for travelers from nearby countries. However, Order No763-r is still in force within the Russian Federation, suspending the passage of any border checkpoints. The act specifies the categories of citizens for whom an exception has been made, and in the last amendment, Russians with a different citizenship or residence permit have been added to this list.

The easiest way to get to Georgia is medical tourism. You only need to provide documents from the receiving party of the medical organization.

You can also start by flying to Yerevan (Armenia) and from there get to Tbilisi by car or public transport.

Do not forget about anti-quarantine measures, all foreigners need to undergo a two-phase vaccination, or have a PCR test with a negative result (done 72 hours before arrival at the final destination), which is given again in three days.

Leaving the country is much easier. You can return to Russia through the land border between Verkhny Lars and Vladikavkaz.

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  • И
    Короче говоря как минимум на два года я с Грузией пролетел из-за коронавирус и антикороновирусных мер. Эх так хотелось побывать в грузинских горах, осмотреть архитектурные и исторические памятники, побывать в высеченных в горе городах. По лечебному туризму я тоже пролетаю, поскольку даже с моими болячками мне туда не попасть, это бесполезно.