Georgia shines as a center of international business tourism: recognition at the M&I Summer 2023 Forum

Менеджер по туризму

Georgia, which is rapidly rising on the world stage of business tourism, attracts the attention of the tourism administration with its outstanding achievements. The last well-deserved recognition came from the European Tourism Administration, which recognized Georgia as the best country in Europe for providing high-quality services in the field of business tourism. This important event took place during the International Business Tourism Forum m&I Summer 2023, which was held in Oslo, Norway.

At this prestigious forum, where representatives of leading international companies gathered, it was announced that 320 events, including conferences, forums and presentations, were ordered in various countries of the world. Georgia, thanks to its amazing opportunities in the field of business tourism, attracts more and more attention of organizers of large-scale events and events.

It should be noted that this success is an important step for the popularization of business tourism in Georgia. The country's tourism administration expressed its joy and believes that this triumph will attract even more major events, forums and conferences to Georgia. Such recognition opens up new horizons for the development of business tourism in the country and confirms its position on the world business tourism arena.

A special feature of the international Business Tourism forum was the participation of representatives of the world's leading convention bureaus, industry experts, members of travel companies and organizations engaged in business tourism. It is this diversity of forum participants that allows countries and regions to present their opportunities in the field of business tourism, exchange experience and establish partnerships.

An integral part of Georgia's success in the field of business tourism is the active development of MICE tourism in the country. The term MICE is an abbreviation combining four main areas: meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions. Each of these areas provides its own unique opportunities for organizing and holding various events, including corporate meetings, presentations, negotiations, incentive tours, conferences and exhibitions.

With the development of business tourism in Georgia, the country is becoming an increasingly attractive and affordable destination for international organizers and participants of business events. The unique combination of beautiful landscapes, rich history, hospitable culture and modern infrastructures make Georgia an ideal place for organizing events of any scale.

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