Eurowings has added two flights to Germany

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The current ban on flights to other countries due to the pandemic has been lifted since February. To cross the air border, foreigners must have with them a medical document certifying the completed two-stage vaccination against COVID-19.

Thanks to the restored international communication, Eurowings, which has been operating on the Georgian aviation market since 2017, returned to the Georgian aviation market.

The German low-cost airline will make two flights to Dusseldorf and back every week, on Sunday and Wednesday.

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  • К
    Отличная новость. Благодаря отмену карантина, теперь в Грузию сможет прилетать самолет немецких авиалиний. В воскресенье и среду можно будет совершить полет, который был доступен с 2017 года. Но для перелета необходим медицинский документ, заверенный печатями о двухфазной вакцинации против короновируса.