Up-to-date information about Georgian real estate market from "Sakstat"

The price index for capital new buildings in Georgia increased by more than 10% over the year. However, tariffs for the first part of the year, compared to the second part of the year were higher by 0.4%.

The consumer price index, which characterizes the change in time of the general level of the cost of goods, is necessary when calculating the risks of the sector and forecasting its possible development. CPI is also one of the main indicators of economic stability.

The National Statistics Service informs that the prices of new residential premises, if compared to the previous year, became higher by more than seven percent, although they became cheaper compared to the previous quarter.

According to official data, the average cost of one square meter of green frame is 3.1; black - 2.3; white - 2.7 thousand GEL, with the exchange rate to the US dollar 3.1042.

The most expensive apartments with an average price of $1300 per square meter are located in Mtatsminda and Vake districts, budget option can be found, for example, in Gldani or Samgori (approximately two and a half thousand GEL).

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  • В
    Недвижимость Грузии - один из основных секторов экономики страны. До пандемии он стремительно рос и пользовался огромной популярностью среди инвесторов. Туристический поток увеличивался из года в год и формировал постоянный спрос на жилье, особенно в курортных городах и столице. Учитывая, что цены на недвижимость в Грузии не спешат снижаться, а наоборот растут, то из этого следует, что инвестиции в покупку местного жилья остаются достаточно перспективными.