What is the reason for the cancellation of performances with the legendary John Malkovich in Tbilisi?

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The performances of the world-famous American actor John Malkovich as the main actor at the Tbilisi International Theater Festival were supposed to take place on October 7 and 8, but suddenly the performances were canceled due to his health problems.

The organizers of the theater festival decided to cancel the production of "In the Solitude of cotton Fields", in which John Malkovich was to play the main role.

According to the organizers, Malkovich was found to have a serious eye disease that required surgery. The results of the operation showed that his vision has weakened and currently he can only distinguish silhouettes. He is prohibited from flying and long trips, as well as sudden movements. Only after the consultation, which is scheduled for the end of October, it will be clear when the actor will be able to return to his work and start traveling again.

It is also noted that if Malkovich's health is fully restored, the organizers will continue negotiations on staging his performances on new dates.

The Tbilisi International Theater Festival itself will be held from September 22 to October 18. It offers a rich program, which includes performances from different countries, such as Poland, Latvia, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Ukraine and, of course, Georgia. The festival also includes workshops, trainings and debates with theater industry experts.

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  • A
    Статья об отмене спектаклей со знаменитым Джоном Малковичем в Тбилиси вызывает разочарование. Причина отмены не уточняется, но это неприятная новость для театральной публики. Джон Малкович - талантливый и известный актер, и возможность увидеть его выступление в Грузии вызывала большой интерес. Надеюсь, что отмена была вызвана обстоятельствами, не зависящими от организаторов, и что в будущем у тбилисской публики будет новая возможность насладиться творчеством этого известного актера.