Merab Abramishvili's masterpiece: the canvas was sold at auction in London for a record amount

Скульптура художнику в Тбилиси

An amazing trading session was held at the international auction in London organized by Bonhams, during which the painting "Black Cheetah" by Georgian artist Merab Abramishvili was sold at the highest price – 89.6 thousand euros. This magnificent canvas aroused great interest among collectors and art lovers.

Bonhams is a prestigious international auction house with a rich history, founded in 1793. It is famous for its significant trading sessions, which sell works of fine art, antiques, cars and jewelry. This auction house is one of the largest and most famous in the world.

It is especially interesting that 47 works were presented at the auction, but Merab Abramishvili's canvas was able to attract attention and was sold at the highest price. In addition to this work, three more canvases of this outstanding Georgian artist from the European collection were presented at the auction.

Merab Abramishvili's work has been known and appreciated for many years. His works have been participating in international auctions since 2014, attracting the attention of collectors and art experts. The artist, born in Georgia in 1957, had a unique talent and developed his style using the levkas technique, an ancient fresco technique, to create his works of art.

Merab Abramishvili was also a member of the Union of Artists of Georgia and taught fine art in one of the schools of the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region. His works attracted attention not only in Georgia, but also abroad. The artist has participated in exhibitions in France, Germany, Austria, Poland, and his paintings can be found in the National Museum of Georgia, as well as in private collections around the world.

Merab Abramishvili's painting is a real treasure of Georgian art, which still continues to delight and inspire people. Although the artist left us in 2006, his legacy lives on, and his talent remains indelible in the art world.

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  • А
    Мераб Абрамишвили считается одним из ведущих художников Грузии во второй половине XX века. Абрамишвили получил высшее художественное образование в Тбилисской художественной академии и был известен своим мастерством в различных живописных жанрах, включая портреты, пейзажи и натюрморты.Его творчество отличается яркой экспрессией и национальными мотивами. Абрамишвили создал множество произведений, отражающих культурное наследие Грузии и традиции искусства этой страны. Его работы часто экспонировались на выставках как в Грузии, так и за рубежом.
    Мераб Абрамишвили оставил значительное наследие в грузинской и мировой живописи, и его произведения до сих пор оцениваются и ценятся как ценный вклад в искусство.
    Интересно, он был бы согласен продать картину "черный гепард" за такую сумму?