A new meat quality control system has been born in Georgia, which has already found its application in the Caribbean

Мясные продукты "Марка 2017"

The project, designed to reduce food risks and increase livestock productivity, was successfully implemented thanks to the efforts of the National Animal Identification System (NAITS) and the support of the World Agriculture and Food Organization (FAO).

A lot of time has passed since the first steps in 2019, when the implementation of the updated NAITS system began in Georgia, but the results have been very encouraging. Then, five Caribbean countries expressed interest in this program and FAO specialists traveled to Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Guyana, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to present this unique system to them. Now two more countries are in line - North Macedonia and Mauritius.

NAITS is an electronic platform that collects a variety of data on identifiable pets in Georgia. Its main purpose is to contribute to improving animal health and food safety by tracking animals and livestock products. This is an important condition for farmers to successfully compete in regional and international markets, as well as meet the import needs of the European Union market.

The establishment of a meat origin control system in Georgia is an integral part of the free trade agreement with the EU. In order to export Georgian meat products to the EU, the country has to comply with high standards, and the NAITS system comes to the rescue, guaranteeing compliance with the requirements and ensuring high quality meat.

This project embodies not only economic benefits for Georgia, but also concern for animal health and food safety. We hope that such innovative approaches will be successfully implemented in other regions of the world, helping to increase the efficiency of agriculture and improve people's lives.

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  • Н
    Меня впечатлила эта статья о проекте по снижению продовольственных рисков и увеличению производительности в животноводстве в Грузии. Благодаря усилиям NAITS и поддержке FAO была создана электронная платформа, которая помогает отслеживать животных и продукты животноводства. Это не только способствует экономическому развитию страны, но и поддерживает здоровье животных и безопасность продовольствия. Этот проект демонстрирует значимость инноваций в сельском хозяйстве для улучшения жизни людей по всему миру.