The Cradle of winemaking: The success of Georgian wines on the German market

Грузинское вино и виноделие

The prestigious German publication Falstaff pays attention to wonderful wines from Georgia in its new article titled "The Cradle of viticulture-winemaking: the best wines from Georgia". This publication masterpiece reveals both the rich 8-thousand-year history of Georgian winemaking and the current stable growth in sales of Georgian wine on the German market. The article highlights the unique traditional method of aging in clay jars, known as kvevri, and at the same time introduces readers to the modern industry of high-quality wine in Georgia.

In order to support and promote Georgian wines on the German market, a competition was organized in June 2023, which is designed to highlight and support the best wines from Georgia. Among 150 samples of wines from various producers, aged both in kvevri and in classical style, 70 masterpieces were selected that won the hearts of experts.

Cooperation between the National Wine Agency of Georgia and the German marketing company ff.k Public Relations began in 2021 with the aim of promoting Georgian wine on the world stage and increasing its export potential. It continues with success this year, and Germany, as the largest importer of wine in Europe, has been included in the list of strategic markets for Georgian wines since 2020.

The tradition of winemaking in Georgia is surprisingly ancient, dating back 8 thousand years. This is not only an important economic aspect, but also an integral part of Georgian culture and heritage. Numerous legends, monuments, and folk art serve as evidence of the deep attachment of the Georgian people to viticulture and wine production.

To date, thousands of varieties of grapes are grown in Georgia, and it is known that about 500 of them are unique varieties with Georgian roots. In 2013, the southern art of wine aging in clay jugs, known as kvevri, was included in the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage monuments. Georgia was also officially recognized as the birthplace of wine in 2017 at the Center of Wine Civilization in the French city of Bordeaux.

The real success of Georgian wine on the German market testifies to the international fame and recognition that come to this magnificent drink. The richness of tastes, unique technologies, and unprecedented heritage – all this makes Georgian wine truly incomparable.

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