Georgian airports: New record passenger traffic and cargo turnover


Georgia's aviation industry continues to amaze with its rapid development. In the second quarter of 2023, Georgian airports are deservedly proud of serving 1.4 million passengers, which is 41.1% more than in the previous year. These impressive figures are presented in the report of the National Statistics Service of Georgia "Sakstat".

According to the agency, the number of passengers using Georgian airports increased by 45.1%, reaching 731.8 thousand. About 699.8 thousand people left the country on international flights, which is 37.2% more than in the previous period.

Interestingly, during this period 96.7% of passenger traffic accounted for regular flights. This underlines the importance of Georgia's stable air links with other countries.

In addition to passengers, cargo traffic also showed impressive growth, reaching 4.6 thousand tons. Of this figure, 87% are received shipments, and 13% are sent.

These achievements are supported by an increase in the number of passenger flights, which during this period amounted to 6.1 thousand, 32.6% more than a year ago.

It should be particularly noted that 65.5 thousand passengers were transported by air transport of Georgia, and the volume of passenger turnover amounted to 147.6 million passenger-kilometers. During the reporting period, the number of passengers transported by 77.5%, and the volume of passenger turnover by 69.5% exceeds the corresponding figures of 2022.

As for cargo transportation, in the second quarter of 2023, 10.3 thousand tons of cargo were transported by air, and the volume of cargo turnover amounted to 16.7 million tons-kilometers. Despite the decrease compared to the previous year, these figures are still impressive.

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    Аэропорты Грузии продолжают демонстрировать впечатляющий рост пассажиропотока и грузооборота. Во втором квартале 2023 года количество пассажиров увеличилось на 41,1%, а грузоперевозки также оставались на высоком уровне. Эти цифры отражают стабильные воздушные связи Грузии с другими странами и свидетельствуют о быстром развитии авиационной индустрии в регионе.