Maximum support for Georgian wheat producers

MG-Group. Оптовая торговля пшеницей

The situation on the world grain market is of concern, but the state of Georgia is ready to help wheat producers in such an unstable period. This was stated by Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili during a government meeting. He did not specify exactly what measures will be supported, but shared information about the solutions already taken that can help farmers.

The Minister stressed that low wheat prices are not a problem caused by state policy, but are the result of the general situation on the world grain market. He also noted that Georgia has already taken a number of measures under the "Preferential Agro-credit" program and provided assistance to more than 4,000 farmers.

One of the main measures taken by the Government is the introduction of an additional duty on flour imports, which has created a competitive advantage for local mills. This decision allowed local farmers to sell their own wheat to bread producers on more favorable terms, without raising the price of bread for consumers. As a result, local mills purchased 35 thousand tons of Georgian wheat.

In general, Prime Minister Garibashvili assured that the state will help farmers as much as possible so that they do not have to worry about future problems. At the same time, the measures taken will help to stabilize the situation on the grain market and ensure the interests of both producers and consumers in Georgia.

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  • A
    Статья рассказывает о максимальной поддержке грузинских производителей пшеницы. Это важная инициатива, которая способствует развитию сельского хозяйства в Грузии. Поддержка местных производителей способствует укреплению продовольственной безопасности и созданию рабочих мест в сельской местности. Это также способствует развитию экспорта и повышению качества грузинской пшеницы, что способствует укреплению позиций Грузии на международном рынке. Надеемся, что эта поддержка будет продолжена и в дальнейшем, чтобы грузинские производители пшеницы могли процветать и развиваться, внося вклад в сельскохозяйственный сектор страны.