Georgia is confidently leading in the supply of still wines to Russia

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New data confirm Georgia's impressive success in exporting still wines to Russia. According to the latest statistics, Georgia has bypassed Italy and has become the main supplier of non-sparkling wines to the Russian Federation. It is important to note that still wines are a variety of drinks that do not have sparkling properties and contain a minimum amount of carbon dioxide.

In the first five months of 2023, the volume of imports of still wines from Georgia to Russia reached an impressive 24.15 million liters, which represents an increase of 63%. At the same time, Italy, which previously held a leading position, supplied 23.36 million liters of alcoholic beverage, which is slightly behind Georgian supplies. These data are based on information obtained from customs sources and quoted in the media.

Such an impressive achievement allowed Georgia to take a 19.1% share in the supply of still wines to Russia, while Italy lost the championship, taking an 18.5% share. At the beginning of this year, in the first quarter, Georgia has already demonstrated an impressive 49% increase in imports of still wines, reaching a volume of 13.1 million liters and ranking second among the supplier countries to the Russian Federation.

In addition, other countries such as Spain, France and Portugal were also among the leaders in the supply of still wines to Russia. This indicates the competitive nature of the market and the constant struggle for a share in it. An increase in the supply of still wines from Georgia may cause certain difficulties for local winemakers, who face serious competition from Georgian products.

In 2022, Georgia exported up to 103 million liters of wine worth $ 252.5 million to 66 countries around the world. A significant share - 63.7% of the total volume of wine exports - fell on Russia, where 73.1 thousand tons of wine worth $ 160.8 million were shipped. These figures underline the importance of the Russian market for the Georgian wine industry and confirm the popularity of Georgian wine among consumers in Russia.

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  • A
    Это отличная возможность для Грузии закрепиться на должной позиции в России. Сейчас многие марки покинули российский рынок, и это возможность занять свою нишу. Темболее все мы знаем какое вкусное вино умеют делать грузины.
  • C
    Радует, что наши близкие соседи грузины не забывают своих традиций и по прежнему делают качественное и вкусное вино, которое пользуется такой большой популярностью в нашей стране. Именно благодаря своему качеству грузинское вино заняло лидирующие позиции по экспорту в Российскую Федерацию и обошло таких мастодонтов рынка как Франция, Италия и Испания.