Bordeaux meets the presentation of Georgian wines

белое вино грузия

The city of Bordeaux has become an arena for a large-scale presentation of Georgian wines as part of the Rugby World Cup.

The tasting of Georgian wines consisted of two parts. Firstly, there was a professional tasting, which was attended by more than eighty true connoisseurs of wine art. Secondly, a festive dinner was organized, to which the guests moved after the tasting. The dinner was also attended by veterans of Georgian rugby, who at one time played for various clubs in France.

In addition, an exhibition of Georgian wines was held, which became an important event for the presentation of Georgian wines in the world.

According to the memorandum, after the end of the Rugby World Cup, such events will become a mandatory part of all major international tournaments in which Georgian rugby players of the Borzhdgalosebi team will participate. This will not only promote Georgian wine on the world stage, but also strengthen the link between winemaking and rugby, which can be very interesting for fans of both these cultures.

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  • A
    Статья рассказывает о презентации грузинских вин в Бордо. Это важное событие для грузинской винодельческой индустрии, которое позволяет продвигать грузинские вина на международном рынке. Презентация в Бордо, известном своими высокими винами, является прекрасной возможностью демонстрировать качество и уникальность грузинских вин. Такие события способствуют продвижению грузинской культуры и расширению экспорта вин. Они также могут привлечь внимание винных экспертов и ценителей со всего мира. Пожелаем грузинским винодельцам успеха в продвижении своих вин на международный уровень и надеемся, что грузинские вина будут получать заслуженную известность и признание.