Beyonce played on stage in an image from a Georgian designer


The world star of the American pop scene, Beyonce, continues to delight her fans not only with her musical talents, but also with outstanding images. On her Renaissance world tour, which covers dozens of cities in Europe and North America, she again surprised the audience by performing in an exclusive outfit from the Georgian brand Situationist.

Beyonce has always attracted attention with her creative images on stage. Her talented stylists, Shion Turini and Karen Langley, help her in this. This time, during a concert in Arizona, she appeared before the public in a bright and unique image created especially for her by the Georgian brand Situationist. This outfit was designed in close collaboration with Yaspis, which gave its design a special charm.

It's not the first time Beyonce chooses images from Georgian designers for her performances. She has previously appeared on stage twice in David Koma outfits, which highlights her interest in Georgian fashion.

The Situationist brand, created by Irakli Rusadze and David Giorgadze in 2015, has gained popularity not only with Beyonce, but also with other world celebrities, such as model Bella Hadid and Kim Kardashian. Now only Irakli Rusadze is engaged in the brand, and he continues to delight the world with his outstanding creations.

Thus, Georgian fashion and design continue to win the hearts of not only the local public, but also world stars, confirming their status in the world fashion arena.

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  • Y
    Впечатляющее выступление Бейонсе на её мировом туре Renaissance оставило многих в восторге! Её способность сочетать музыку с выдающимися образами просто поражает. И как замечательно, что она поддерживает талантливых дизайнеров из разных уголков мира. В этот раз она блеснула в наряде от грузинского бренда Situationist, что добавило уникальности и стиля её выступлению. Бейонсе не только музыкальная икона, но и источник вдохновения для моды и стиля!
  • A
    Я хоть и не поклоница Бейонсе, но заметила что она довольно часто выбирает себе очень яркие образы для выступлений, и этот не исключение. Смотрится очень красиво, подчеркивает ее фигуру, благодаря блестящей ткани сразу привлекает внимание даже издалека.