Order groceries online with delivery in Georgia

Want to buy quality meat at a low price without leaving your home? An online service in Georgia can help you with this and many other questions. They have a wide range of high-quality products, including fruits and vegetables, poultry and semi-finished products, drinks, baby food, dairy and sour-milk products, fresh baked goods, and much more.

In addition, you can order household goods, small appliances, cosmetic care products, and even accessories for men and women. The service's employees will choose the highest quality and freshest products based on your preferences.

Courier delivery is available at any time convenient for you to the address you specify. Depending on the purchase amount, delivery may be completely free. Payment can be made by bank and credit card.

Order food products through an online service in Tbilisi!

1 comment

  • F
    Согласитесь, что во время периода пандемии, когда существовал запрет на выход из дома, когда ты не мог посещать свои любимые рестораны, кафешки, магазины. Нас спасали курьерские службы по доставке еды, многие вещей бытового плана. И это было действительно очень востребованной функцией среди организацией общепита и других.