How necessary is it to bring baby food to Georgia?


Moms who have been in this country with young children, please help! My son is a little over a year old, and I was completely confused. What and in what quantity should I take with me to Georgia from baby food?


Женщины в халатах

There are no problems with baby food in Georgia. We had a rest there a couple of years ago, my daughter's age at that time was almost the same.

The same selection of brands and their lines as in our city. We bought both in regular stores and in specialized ones. A couple of nuances that you need to know about is that a larger assortment of goods and easier accessibility is found only in the largest cities such as Batumi and Tbilisi.

And secondly, if your child has any individual characteristics in complementary foods. Those shops that we visited are located along the streets of Chkondideli, Meraba Kostava — what I remembered.

This is Tbilisi. You will find it without difficulty, especially since there are much more of them there.



Don't worry! Even in small towns of Georgia, it is not difficult to find baby food. My father's parents raised him there — they lived in the city of Lagodekhi, and there was no need for anything for the child.

The menu can be very diverse. Plus, if you already give your child kefir, you can try to replace it with matzoni — it is believed that it is more useful for the immunity of the baby.

Therefore, you should not limit yourself only to large cities, especially since during this period it's really time for you to have a little rest.


Женщина с подарком

Whatever one may say, but for the first few days of vacation, it is necessary to bring with you the usual food for the child. Just for logical reasons.

It is unlikely that it will be convenient for you with a one-year-old baby in your arms to rush around in search of food, perhaps in an unfamiliar city. Plus, after the road you will be tired yourself. Ours was on HiPP when we went there. There are plenty of other firms in stores.

By and large, there are no difficulties with baby food in Georgia. If you want to be absolutely safe in this matter, it is better to solve it through a travel agency. They can sort out, as they say on the shore, those hotels in which it is possible to agree on individual cooking for a small child. Private owners are also all people — they have children themselves.

But it is also worth finding out before the final choice of an apartment. The only snag we've encountered is restaurants. Rarely, where it was possible to meet the corresponding menu or service. Although, maybe now this problem has already been solved.


Женщина с рыжими волосами

Good afternoon to all! I'm all knocked off my feet, a couple of days before departure, and nothing is ready at all!

Please help, tell me where in Batumi, Georgia baby food is sold? I don't have time to do anything at all, I've sort of decided what to take with me.

And I can't find stores…

We are going to rest by the sea, almost sixty kilometers from the city. Maybe there is an opportunity to buy directly in the direction from the airport? At which addresses are the stores with the greatest choice?



In Georgia, everything is fine with baby food, don't worry. Some products are, in principle, a level higher in quality than ours. Of course, you can take some stock with you for the first time, but if your baby's food is not some kind of exclusive or specially ordered, then there will be no problems with its purchase in this country.

Such groups of products as meat, bakery or dairy are in great demand, they do not linger. The quality control over them is very high. And even more so when it comes to the segment of children's products.

The country is southern — fruits and vegetables are in abundance, you can carefully diversify your son's diet with new freshly prepared purees and juices during the vacation.

As for ready—made food for children, it is also available in stores, from various manufacturers and for different ages.

In general, as I said above — don't worry! For a child, the calmness of his mom is very important.



Stop being nervous, after all, this is not Ethiopia, where there are only a few shops per hundred square kilometers, and only buffalo milk from baby food!

In Georgia, everything is great with baby food, they somehow feed the children themselves.

According to your question, I assume that you eat quite normally, there would be some peculiarities, allergies, you would draw our attention to this.

If they are not there, then there is no reason to worry. Moreover, it is unlikely that you are going to engage in such a small, active tourism in the highlands. And there is plenty of everything in the cities.


Две женщины

Well, in any case, you should not drive yourself so hard and go crazy. Calm down, exhale. My family and I have always loved to travel, both before the children, and now — when one is two years old, and my daughter is almost five.

We have also visited this country, and believe me — there were no difficulties with baby food in Georgia. And for the first time we flew at all when we were only six months old.

At that time, as you know, we were just transitioning from breastfeeding. And here are a few points. Every country that we noticed has its own milk and even water. The reaction may occur precisely because of the change of these fundamental fluids for the baby.

Therefore, at first we called local pediatricians, consulted. I still remember the specialists and thank them for such a competent, individual approach. They quickly figured out the most suitable replacement among the many products.

Another life hack — if there is a reaction to something, then after they find a replacement, I advise you to alternate it with the usual diet. To do this, a small supply still needs to be taken from home.

As we have already written above, the variety of fruits is such that you can cook your own food for the child right in the rented accommodation.

As for the address of the pharmacy, I won't tell you exactly, but there is a good round-the-clock with the ability to order online on Simon Skhirtladze Street, in Tbilisi. There is also a developed network of pharmacies thirty-six and six, familiar to all of us. Don't worry — you definitely won't stay there without help and hints.


  • С
    Как бы ни было, важно привезти с собой привычную еду для ребенка на первые несколько дней отпуска, это логично и удобно. С годовалым малышом не самое приятное занятие бегать по незнакомому городу в поисках питания, особенно когда все устали после дороги.

    Нужно немного времени для адаптации и знакомства в городом.На самом деле, в Грузии нет особых проблем с детским питанием. Однако, если хотите быть на сто процентов уверены, лучше обратиться к турагентству. или каталогу Маблоба. Они могут помочь выбрать отели, где можно договориться о питании. и доставке еды.

    Хорошего отдыха вам и вашей семье!
  • A
    Мне кажется в этом нет нужды, в обычных супермаркетах достаточно детского питания на выбор, пусть может быть не настолько большой как мы привыкли. Ну и всегда можно приготовить самим, в Грузии замечательные органические продукты.
  • A
    Не вижу смысла абсолютно тащить с собой детской питание. Во многих супер маркетах огромный выбор, совершенно разной ценовой категории, бери какая больше нравится. Если конечно ребенок из-за проблем со здоровьем на особом питании то конечно, в данном случае лучше взять собой.
  • O
    Спасибо большое за ссылку на статью о детском питании в Грузии на! Я с удовольствием ознакомился с содержанием этой информации. Планирую посетить Грузию в ближайшее время с семьей, включая нашего маленького сына, поэтому детское питание для нас является важным аспектом поездки.
    Очень рад, что существует такой обширный справочник о Грузии, как, который предоставляет информацию о различных аспектах путешествия по этой удивительной стране. С уверенностью могу сказать, что благодаря этой статье мы будем готовы к нашей поездке и удовлетворим даже самые мелкие потребности нашего ребенка в питании. Не терпится отправиться в Грузию и попробовать все эти замечательные блюда!
  • Y
    The article "How necessary is it to bring baby food to Georgia?" is very relevant and addresses an important issue that parents, especially those traveling with children, face. The question of whether it is necessary to bring baby food with you to another country causes a lot of discussion and doubts.

    Georgia is a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage and unique cuisine. However, when traveling with young children, especially those with special dietary requirements or allergies, there is a need to provide proper nutrition.

    Initially, it may seem that baby food can be purchased locally, because supermarkets have a wide variety of products for children. However, you should keep in mind that every child is unique and may have different nutritional needs. Not all local foods may meet the specific requirements of your child, especially if they have allergies or dietary restrictions.

    Being able to bring baby food with you when traveling to Georgia gives parents more control over the quality and composition of foods that fit their child's needs and habits. This can be especially important for children with food allergies or dietary restrictions to avoid unforeseen problems and ensure the safety of their health.

    However, when planning a trip, it is important to consider the rules and restrictions on bringing food into the country to avoid problems at customs or when crossing the border. It is recommended to read the local legislation in advance and consult with local authorities to be sure that the importation of baby food does not violate any rules and requirements.

    At the end of the day. he decision to bring baby food to Georgia is up to the parents, and they should take their child's individual needs into account. Balancing the convenience and safety of your child's meals during the trip is a top priority.
  • Д
    Я не считаю большой необходимостью везти в Грузию детское питание. Ведь маленькие дети есть в любой стране, а значит и качественное питание для них тоже. Очень не понравился ответ от Ларисы. Такая грубость и надменность звучит... Можно было бы ответить более сдержанно. Это вполне нормально, что мамочка переживает по поводу питания своего ребенка!
  • О
    Как же это важно, особенно, когда ваш ребенок еще совсем малыш. Тащить баулы с детским питанием неудобно, а на самолете еще и нерентабельно. Классно, что в Грузии все есть0
  • E
    Спасибо за такую информативную и полезную статью для мам малышей. В Грузии можно найти любое детское питание, но лучше взять с собой немного, чтобы по приезду туда не бегать, а отдохнуть.
  • G
    Собираясь в дорогу мамочки всегда переживают за питание малыша, особенно если ребенок до года. Грузия развитая страна, поэтому в магазинах ассортимент не ниже,чем в других постсоветских странах. Грузия южная страна, и по выбору фруктов и овощей, вообще беспокоиться не стоит. Для самых беспокойных можно только дать совет - взять в дорогу пару баночек, так как они хранятся без холодильника до вскрытия.
  • C
    Прочитав заголовок статьи, я очень сильно удивилась, очень странно думать что в какой либо стране нет детского питания( дети есть везде и я думаю каждая страна хочет и действительно заботится о будущем поколении) именно поэтому статья помогла убедится в том что с детским питанием там всё отлично)
  • F
    Грузия не настолько ограниченная страна, в которой нельзя найти детское питание. Да, возможно в маленьких магазинах по сравнению с гипермаркетами его может и не быть. Так можно, заехать сразу в большой город, закупиться и уже не беспокоиться об отсутствии продукта. Конечно, если вы хотите, то можете взять с собой, но я считаю это нецелесообразным.
  • К
    Если у вашего ребенка нет никаких аллергий, то проблем с детским питанием не возникнет. Выбор детского питания огромен. Ну и на крайний случай всегда есть интернет магазины, либо если вы отправляетесь в путешествие, то позаботьтесь о том чтобы питания вам хватило на время всей поездки.
  • Е
    Спасибо за ваше мнение! Это очень ценная информация для мам, собирающихся в путешествие с маленькими детьми. Хорошо, что в Грузии нет никакого дефицита детского питания, оно доступно как в больших, так и в маленьких городах. Так что, мамочки, поводов для беспокойства нет. Смело отправляйтесь в путешествие по Грузии всей семьей!