Successful performance of the Azerbaijani Choral Chapel in Georgia


An international festival of choral groups was held in Georgia, in which the Azerbaijani State choral chapel also took part. The world-famous international festival in Gori attracted choirs from different countries. Notable among them were the Georgian State Choir, the Abkhaz National Choir, the women's choir from Gori, and of course, the Azerbaijani State Choral Chapel.

The artistic director and chief conductor of the chapel, People's Artist Gulbaji Imanova, told about the performance at the festival. In her opinion, this year the chapel was the best among all the participants, and this is confirmed not only by her words, but also by the enthusiastic reviews of the guests present at the concert. The Azerbaijani choral chapel impressed with the variety of works performed, including both foreign and Azerbaijani music. Such a repertoire requires special professionalism and skill, especially when performing compositions in different languages with different stylistic features. Unlike other collectives, the Azerbaijani choral chapel presented a mixture of musical genres and cultures.

According to Imanova, such festivals allow choirs to exchange experiences, get acquainted with new musical traditions and establish partnerships with choirs from other countries.

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  • A
    Статья рассказывает о успешном выступлении азербайджанской хоровой капеллы в Грузии. Это прекрасный пример культурного обмена и сотрудничества между двумя странами. Музыка объединяет нас и создает взаимопонимание и дружбу. Удачное выступление азербайджанской капеллы в Грузии укрепляет связи между людьми и способствует продвижению и сближению культур. Важно поддерживать такие международные культурные события, которые способствуют мирному сосуществованию и укреплению дружеских отношений между народами. Поздравляем азербайджанскую хоровую капеллу с успешным выступлением и надеемся на еще больше таких музыкальных событий в будущем.