The sites of the Tbilisi City Day "Tbilisi 2023" have been identified

Театрализованное представление на празднике Тбилисоба

Kakha Kaladze, the mayor of the capital of Georgia, announced the holding of cultural and entertainment events that will take place in Rike, Abanotubani Parks and Orbeliani Square at the end of next week - on Saturday, September 30 and Sunday, October 1.

The new date of the holiday has become a tradition since 2018, when the city day was moved from the end of the second month of autumn to the first weekend of October. However, the celebration was canceled twice: in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in 2021 due to the tragedy in Batumi, where a residential building collapsed. At that time, only agricultural fairs and dedication to the "Honorary Citizens of Tbilisi" were held.

In 2023, the events will begin at noon and continue until ten in the evening. In addition, at eight o'clock on Saturday, 30.09, honorary citizens of Tbilisi will be awarded at the State Palace of Ceremonies, as announced by the mayor of the city. And after the ceremony, a solemn concert will begin, which can be watched live.

The mayor promised to announce the specific program of all two days of the "Tbilisi Concert" in the near future, including information about each planned concert - its place and time. "We are counting on a large number of guests. I know that many residents of Tbilisi and other regions are waiting for the celebration of "Tbilisi Freedom". This year we will have the opportunity to celebrate the day of our city together," Kaladze commented.

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    Статья сообщает о выборе мест проведения Дня города Тбилиси - Тбилисоба 2023. Это важное событие, которое каждый год собирает тысячи жителей и туристов для празднования и показа богатства и красоты города. Определение площадок заранее поможет организаторам подготовить событие на высоком уровне и предложить интересные активности для посетителей. Тбилисоба - это возможность для жителей и гостей Тбилиси собраться вместе, отпраздновать культуру, историю и достижения города. Надеюсь, что Тбилисоба 2023 принесет много радости, веселья и прекрасных впечатлений всем, кто примет участие.