New residential complex in Batumi: 100 families received apartments thanks to the state program

межкомнатные двери

New apartments were transferred to the participants of the state program "Affordable Housing" in a modern residential complex in the city of Batumi. The notification of such an event came from the press service of the mayor Archil Chikovani.

The program that allows you to get affordable housing was developed for citizens living in Batumi who do not have their own apartment, but have the opportunity to pay for housing with rental payments. The total cost of the project is GEL 13 million.

"The program's indicators fully meet the expectations of 180 families at present. The program will be developed in the future, taking into account the opinions and needs of all residents of Batumi, including criteria and future requirements," the head of Batumi said at the official presentation of the residential complex.

The program participants were given apartments with full finishing repairs. The selection of families was organized by the winning organization in accordance with the specified conditions.

New residents will be able to enjoy a fully equipped environment adapted for people of all ages, including cozy quiet squares for recreation and playgrounds for children.

This program of state support in Batumi allows people to ease the burden when paying for housing. An affordable opportunity to purchase housing in a modern residential complex is an important step towards improving the quality of life of the population of Batumi, providing them with a comfortable and pleasant stay.

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  • A
    Статья рассказывает о новом жилом комплексе в Батуми, который был построен в рамках государственной программы по обеспечению жильем малоимущих семей. 100 семей получили ключи от своих квартир, которые имеют все необходимые условия для комфортной жизни. Статья показывает, что власти Грузии заботятся о своих гражданах и стараются улучшить их социальное положение. Статья позитивна и вдохновляющая, но могла бы содержать больше цитат от счастливых новоселов и их историй.
  • A
    Это программа отличная помощь для молодых семей, которые только потихоньку встают на ноги. Теперь большое количество семей сможет жить в комфортной и современной квартире, с хорошим благоустройством как для взрослых так и для детей.