Will a hydroelectric power station be built in the mountainous Kazbegi district? The Deputy Prime Minister provided an answer"

Ингурская ГЭС

At the last meeting of the government, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Levan Davitashvili spoke about the construction of the Kamara HPP in the mountainous Kazbegi district. According to Davitashvili, the decision on the construction of a hydroelectric power plant depends on the investor and his willingness to offer favorable conditions to the population. In case of successful presentation of the new package and receiving support from the residents, the project will be implemented.

Answering a journalist's question about the outrage of the residents of Kazbegi related to the alleged impact of construction on the Terek River, the Deputy Prime Minister stressed that an important aspect of the project is the support of the local population. He also said that representatives of the Kamara Energy construction company were supposed to meet with citizens to discuss their concerns on November 27.

According to BMG, residents of Kazbegi are actively expressing their protests, fearing that the construction of a hydroelectric power plant may affect the Terek riverbed. However, Deputy Prime Minister Davitashvili stressed that in the process of interaction with the population, various aspects such as social, compensatory and economic issues are taken into account in the search for a compromise solution.

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    Статья рассматривает вопрос о возможном строительстве гидроэлектростанции (ГЭС) в высокогорном районе Казбека. Вице-премьер Грузии высказал свое мнение на этот счет. Это сложный вопрос, который требует глубокого анализа и учета экологических и социальных последствий. Строительство ГЭС может оказывать влияние на экосистему, водные ресурсы и местное население. Необходимо обеспечить баланс между экономической выгодой и сохранением окружающей среды. Важно провести все необходимые исследования и обсуждения, чтобы принять обоснованное решение, учитывающее интересы всех сторон.