How to get to Kutaisi by car from Tbilisi: distance, travel time, cost of the trip and route.
How to get to Kutaisi from Tbilisi quickly and cheaply: rent a car, call a taxi or transfer? A detailed description of each trip option: cost, route, travel time, total distance and stops along the way. Where and how to call a transfer or order a taxi in the capital of Georgia.
Find out how to get from Tbilisi to Kutaisi⬇️
There are various ways to cover the distance from Tbilisi to Kutaisi: by taxi, transfer or by car. Each of the options has pros and cons, but the main thing is to get there quickly and cheaply, enjoying the atmosphere of traveling in Georgia!
In Kutaisi by car: distance, route and travel time
One of the best options for traveling in Georgia is a car trip, because this way you can see beautiful natural landscapes and stop near iconic attractions. The route from Tbilisi runs along the E60 highway through the cities of Zestafoni, Gori and Khashuri. The total length of the route is 230 kilometers.
It will take at least 3 hours to get to Kutaisi, it is best to go on a trip early in the morning so as not to catch evening traffic jams on the roads. Most often tourists stop in the village of Surami, where you can buy pastries, coffee and refuel the car. There is a campsite in front of the pass, where travelers rest and spend the night. Along the road there are tents with honey and pottery in the form of souvenirs.
The first stage of the route is the Tbilisi-Gori highway, on which speed cameras are installed, so it is better not to exceed the 110 km/h mark. Then the road from Surami passes through the pass, which has speed limits of up to 70 km/h. Be careful, because at night the pass is not illuminated. The next section of the Zestafoni-Kutaisi route is a four-lane highway with partial lighting at night and speed limits of 110 km/h.
Transfer from Tbilisi: travel time, cost and advantages of the trip
Transfer trip in Georgia this is a great option for those traveling with friends or family with young children. The advantages of the transfer consist of its features: the cost and type of car is indicated in advance, you can talk through the stops and route.
Transfer services are provided by many local and international companies. You can order a car through online services, for example, or Kiwitaxi. This is convenient, since it is possible to specify the place from where you need to be picked up, and even choose that the driver must speak Russian or English.
The cost of such a trip starts from 140 GEL and varies depending on the type of car, the number of passengers and stops along the way. The travel time and the length of the route varies according to the client's requirements.
Taxi Tbilisi-Kutaisi: cost and distance
The total distance of the route is 230 kilometers. Travel time is at least 3 hours, but in the evening, due to traffic jams on the pass, you will have to drive 4-5 hours. The route runs along the E60 highway, it is necessary to arrange stops with the driver in advance.
You can order a taxi from international companies via a mobile application or from private drivers in Tbilisi, in the latter case it is better to bargain. The average cost of the trip is 150 GEL.
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