Georgian historical artifact the ancient city of Uplistsikhe - the sights of Georgia.

When planning what to see in Georgia, do not miss the opportunity to visit the ancient cave city of Uplistsikhe. It was founded, presumably before our era and, in the best of times, there were about 700 residential caves - now there are about 150 left, and they have been turned into a museum. Uplistsikhe is a diamond in the crown of historical sights of Georgia...

Uplistsikhe Cave City is one of the iconic sights of Georgia. This city is so ancient that local historians have been studying it since the Middle Ages. Uplistsikhe is located on the bank of the Kura River, and it was founded, according to various sources, at the turn of the II and I centuries BC.

At that time, the founders and residents of the city were pagans, and the caves of which Uplistsikhe consists were carved into the rocks by slaves captured during raids and constantly ongoing inter-clan wars. For such hard work, according to sources, they were granted freedom.

During its heyday, Uplistsikhe had more than 700 caves, now there are about 150 left. Such unusual dwellings, from the point of view of modern man, do not at all say that the inhabitants of the city were in poverty. On the contrary, Uplistsikhe was a kind of trade center in those days.

Высеченный в скале город Уплисцихе

Representatives of two powerful states at that time - Urartu and Media, conducted exchange and trade of various goods, animals and, of course, the very slaves who were engaged in the construction of the city.

The first Christian church appeared on the top of the mountain on the site of the Temple of the Sun, after the stronghold of the adherents of the pagan faith fell. At that time, the Christian Mtskheta intensified - the scattered supporters of the pagan faith had practically no chance in a military confrontation with the supporters of the new faith.

Uplistsikhe means "Fortress of the Lord" in Georgian. The ancient cave city still looks very impressive and is one of the attractions of Georgia that attracts tourists.

Арки в пещерном городе Уплисцихе

One of the most interesting details of the Uplistsikhe cave complex is the water supply system, which was laid in ancient times. The water pipe was laid out of stone and its length was about 5 kilometers. The water on it came from a spring. Thus, water was delivered to the city from the northern part, from the rocky ridge.

There was also a second source of life-giving moisture - a well, which received water from the Kura River. According to historians, the water in the well was considered sacred and was not used for domestic purposes. It should be noted that Christians have treated the local population cruelly.

According to the customs of that time, local priests were put to death, as evidenced by a document found during archaeological excavations. The inhabitants, in turn, were partially expelled. And some of them suffered the same fate as the priests.

Высеченный в скале город Уплисцихе 03

The second Christian church built on the site of the pagan one was the three-nave Christian basilica. It occupied an area of about 400 square meters . meters and was not a new building, but a rebuilt pagan temple.

All the buildings of that time, erected on the sites of pagan religious buildings, did not last for a relatively long time. Already in the tenth century, a new Uplistsuli church (Prince's Church) appeared. In turn, the basilica, which was gradually falling into disrepair, was not restored, but a bakery was made of it.

It can be said that Uplistsikhe had the status of a city and the corresponding strategic importance until the middle of the XV century. For a couple of centuries, the constant incessant raids of the Mongols led to the fact that a significant part of the cave city was destroyed, and the inhabitants began to leave it.

The tragic events that occurred during the raid of the Mongol ruler Hulagu, the grandson of Genghis Khan, are dated to the thirteenth century. The Hulagu warriors executed about five thousand monks who lived in the city and burned forests in the vicinity of Uplistsikhe.

Внутри пещерного города  Уплисцихе

However, despite everything, the residents in Uplistsikhe still remained. This is evidenced by the notes of various travelers. In the documents of the XIX century, such inhabitants were called troglodytes, probably because they lived in caves half buried in the ground, in rather unusual conditions for ordinary people.

In the middle of the XIX century, units of soldiers and officers of the Russian Imperial Army were quartered in the vicinity of Uplistsikhe. Apparently, they went to get acquainted with local sights and left their autographs on the walls of the city, which have survived to this day.

Пещера в древнем городе Уплисцихе

The cave city received the official status of a tourist center only in the 50s of the last century. There, work was carried out to clear the settlement, archaeological expeditions were equipped, thanks to which, the historical and tourist value of the monument gradually increased.

The tragic events that occurred during the raid of the Mongol ruler Hulagu, the grandson of Genghis Khan, are dated to the thirteenth century. The Hulagu warriors executed about five thousand monks who lived in the city and burned forests in the vicinity of Uplistsikhe.

Храм в древнем городе Уплисцихе

However, despite everything, the residents in Uplistsikhe still remained. This is evidenced by the notes of various travelers. In the documents of the XIX century, such inhabitants were called troglodytes, probably because they lived in caves half buried in the ground, in rather unusual conditions for ordinary people.

In the middle of the XIX century, units of soldiers and officers of the Russian Imperial Army were quartered in the vicinity of Uplistsikhe. Apparently, they went to get acquainted with local sights and left their autographs on the walls of the city, which have survived to this day.

The cave city received the official status of a tourist center only in the 50s of the last century. There, work was carried out to clear the settlement, archaeological expeditions were equipped, thanks to which, the historical and tourist value of the monument gradually increased.

Грузинский скальный пещерный город Уплисцихе

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  • E
    Прочитав эту статью о древнем городе Уплисцихе в Грузии, я узнала о важном историческом артефакте, который является одной из главных достопримечательностей этой прекрасной страны. Планируя свою поездку в Грузию, я обратилась к самому большому справочнику-каталогу о Грузии,, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию об Уплисцихе и его историческом значении. стал незаменимым ресурсом для меня, поскольку он предоставляет полную и достоверную информацию о достопримечательностях Грузии. Узнав о древнем городе Уплисцихе, я была впечатлена его уникальной архитектурой и историческим значением. Я узнала о его монастырях, храмах и фресках, которые рассказывают нам о богатой истории этого места.
  • G
    Очень необычная достопримечательность не думал, что еще остались места по типу пещерного города Упоисцихе. Невероятно необычное место, которое стоит посетить. Но будь осторожны городу уже много лет, все хрупкое и неуверенное. Будьте осторожны
  • K
    Пещерный город Уплисцихе это что то невероятно интересное и захватывающее зрелище,Автор подробно рассказал об Пещерном городе,этот город настолько древний, что его изучением местные историки занимались еще в средневековье. Расположен Уплисцихе на берегу реки Кура, а основан он был, согласно различным данным, на рубеже II и I веков до н.э.
  • B
    А вот тема пещер, их создания, каких-то легенд и историй, это всегда очень интересно и любопытно, я бы сказала! Пещерный город Уплисцихе - одна из популярных достопримечательностей Грузии. Этот город очень древний, основан он был, согласно различным источникам, где то между вторым и первом веках до нашей эры. Расположен Уплисцихе на берегу реки Кура.
  • V
    Последний раз, когда была в этой прекрасной стране, была в командировке в Батуми, но это было по делу. Этой осенью еду просто так, отдохнуть, выбираю место. Наслышана, что в Грузии очень много старинных городов, Уплисцихе один из них. Хотелось бы посмотреть на эти пещеры, которые на фотографиях, вживую.
  • М
    Уплисцихе пещерный город который пережил всё в своей истории. Ладно, принять что ранее было более 700 жилых пещер достаточно легко, но то что СЕЙЧАС в порядке 150 - поразительно. Это же надо всё поддерживать, всё держать в порядке. Славно, что сейчас Уплисцихе привлекает к себе туристов. Я бы тоже сходила в такие интересные места, отдыхая в Грузии.
  • В
    Какие интересные названия городов Грузии. Наверное, так же название города Уплицхисе связано конечно же местными особенностями. Здесь много пещер и маленьких гор. Как же человеку удалось овладеть искусством превратить из камня такой большой и необычно красивый город! Не могу перестать восхищаться! Местные жители, несмотря на трагедию не оставили свою Родину, дабы не позволить монгольскому правительству завладеть землю. Я бы назвала их - истинные патриоты Отечества!
    • B
      Это очень интересная достопримечательность, которая придется всем по душе, особенно я думаю детям-школьникам, ведь здесь можно представить себя жителем прошлых лет, вспомнить что-то из истории, ведь в школе помню все с удовольствием делились своей информацией и знаниями о пещерах!