Древний Храм на Сололакском хребте - Церковь Рождества Спасителя в Бетлеми.
Бетлеми - священное место двух народов, которая тесно переплелась меж собой - грузинского и армянского. Изначально Церковь Рождества Спасителя в Бетлеми была армянской. С 1994 года принадлежит Грузинской Православной общине.
The temple is located in the old part of Tbilisi on the Sololaki ridge, which offers views of the most beautiful places in Georgia.
The sights of Georgia have a long and rich history, often intertwined with the history of other nations. For a long time it was the Armenian Church of the Mother of God. This was the former name of Zemo Betlemi. The temple resembles the Basilica of the Nativity of the Savior in the city of Bethlehem.
At Bethlem Climb number 18.
Previously, there was a small prayer house for Georgian Orthodox people on this site. Today, you can still see part of the apse of the prayer house, but most of it is hidden underground. In the 15th century, the Armenians from Tbilisi founded the Monastery of the Mother of God here and called it Fethain.
In the first half of the 18th century, a new church was built. Betlemi has always been a sacred place for both the Armenian and Georgian communities, so the construction of the church was carried out with the help of both peoples. Prince Givi Amilakhvari, a public figure and philanthropist, made a large financial contribution to this place in 1740.
By 1884, the church was completely restored, the dome of the church and the façade that we see now belong to that time.
During the Soviet era, a workshop was set up in the building instead of a church and services. And since 1994, the Church of the Nativity of the Savior of Upper Betlemi officially belongs to the Georgian Orthodox Community.
The Bethlehem Church on the Sololaki Ridge offers stunning views of Tbilisi.
The Church of the Nativity of the Savior in Bethlehem is a domed building covered with stone, and the foundation is a brick structure. On both sides of the altar there is a deaconate, one container each. The dome has 12 large ribs, the dome rests on the apse projection and two abutments.
The western wing of the building is noticeably elongated and has two more abutments. Hewn slabs cover the dome of the building and the northern and western facades. The windows are located on the eastern side and are decorated with ornaments, crosses. On the northern wall there are relief cherubs, and on the dome the Mother of God and a lion. On the eastern side of the temple there is a belfry dating back to the 17th century. The first and second floors of the belfry are made of brick, and the third is made of hewn stone, with open arches at the top.
Architectural ensembles, temples and churches are what see in Georgia tourists and pilgrims come from all over the world.

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Много же перемен прожила Церковь Рождества Спасителя в Бетлеми. Радует, что это прекрасное место продолжает свою жизнь и по сей день.
Какая архитектура, какие цвета, очень и очень красиво.