The most famous places in Georgia. Try the famous Borjomi water. Borjomi gorge and mineral water.
Borjomi Gorge is especially popular with tourists. The gorge is distinguished by its unique natural beauty. Here, at a short distance, different forests and plants replace each other. There are many resorts in the gorge that are waiting for you all year round. Borjomi mineral water is popular and famous all over the world. Its medicinal properties have long been proven.
The Borjomi Gorge is located in the central part of Georgia, between the Trialeti and Likhsky mid-mountain ranges, 140 km away. from Tbilisi. This territory connects the historical and geographical provinces of Georgia: Shida Kartli, Imereti, Tori and Meskheti.

The Borjomi Gorge stretches along the banks of the Kura River for 60 km . within the gorge there are slopes of the Likhsky, Trialetsky, Adjara-Imereti ranges, the relative height of which reaches 1.5 km. Gorge in the vicinity of the cityBorjomi it has a canyon-like shape. It was formed as a result of the "wedging" of the Bakuriani lava flow.
Borjomi Gorge is located in maximum proximity to the Akhaltsikhe basin on the eastern side and from Shida Kartli on the western side, which differ in the continental climate in the intermountain plains (negative temperature in winter). Moist air masses blowing from the Black Sea easily penetrate here from the middle mountains of Likhi. This is due to the amount of precipitation 1.5 times more than in the surrounding areas. It is the peculiarities of the microclimate and dark coniferous forests that determine the recreational significance of this gorge.
The Borjomi Gorge is distinguished by its unique beauty, which is due to its natural diversity. Here, spruce-fir, coniferous, mixed, broad-leaved and alder forests, thorny shrubs and steppe plants replace each other at a distance of several kilometers. There are many resorts in the Borjomi Gorge, where recreants rest in winter and summer. Near the gorge is the world-famous Bakuriani ski resort.
The Borjomi Gorge has witnessed more than one historical event. Man mastered this territory thousands of years ago, although as a result of constant invasions in the XVII century. it was empty. Its re-settlement is associated with the discovery of mineral waters. Currently, the gorges are known in the Caucasus and in Europe for their mineral waters and balneoclimatic resorts.
Borjomi mineral water is called the "queen of mineral waters" in the world because of its medicinal properties. This is carbon dioxide-bicarbonate-sodium water with a very high mineralization. It has become popular since the nineteenth century, that is, since the time when the family of the Russian emperor built a palace for recreation here. Borjomi mineral water is used for the treatment of chronic gastritis and enterocolitis, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus, liver diseases and metabolic disorders.

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