Restaurant "პურის საცხობი"

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  • Description

Welcome to the "პურის საცხხობი" restaurant!

Enjoy an unrivaled Georgian culinary experience at "პურის საცხობი". Our restaurant combines traditional Georgian dishes with modern cooking techniques to satisfy the most refined tastes.

We are located at 67-220 Ekvtime Takaishvili Street, in the Ureki neighborhood of Guria. Thanks to our convenient location you can easily find us and enjoy the atmosphere of our restaurant.

Restaurant "პურის საცხობი" is open for you from Monday to Sunday. On weekdays we work from 12:00 to 23:00 and on weekends from 11:00 to 00:00. We try to ensure the convenience of our visitors, so we offer our unique working hours on holidays as well.

The atmosphere of our restaurant is created with love and care for every detail. The interior reflects the spirit of Georgian culture and hospitality. We have created a cozy and relaxing environment so that you can enjoy the moment and relax from the everyday hustle and bustle.

Our menu is rich in a variety of Georgian dishes. We offer you to try our specialties such as khachapuri, khinkali and shashlyk. We also have special offers, which are a combination of the best ingredients and a blend of exquisite flavors. Prepared by our experienced chefs, the best dishes will conquer you with their aromas and taste.

Our restaurant also offers a full range of services and facilities to make your visit pleasant and comfortable. We have free parking, Wi-Fi and a friendly staff ready to help you make your experience with us unforgettable.

Visit "პურისს საცხობი" restaurant and enjoy a unique combination of Georgian cuisine, cozy atmosphere and high quality service. We will be happy to welcome you and treat you to our best dishes!

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67-220 Ekvtime Takaishvili St, Уреки, Гурия, Грузия
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2 reviews
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  • T
    gray stars
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    "Я хотела бы поделиться своим опытом посещения ресторана ""პურის საცხობი"" в городе Уреки, Грузия, и, к сожалению, он оказался далек от моих ожиданий. Обслуживание было неудовлетворительным, персонал проявлял мало внимания и был малоразговорчивым. Качество пищи оставило желать лучшего, и я была разочарована выбором и вкусом блюд. Атмосфера в ресторане тоже не создавала приятной обстановки. В целом, мой визит в ""პურის საცხობი"" оказался неудовлетворительный, и я бы не рекомендовала его посетить другим людям."

  • D
    gray stars
    red stars

    Мой опыт в ресторане "პურის საცხობი" в селе Уреки, Грузия, оставил много желать лучшего. Обслуживание и качество блюд оказались ниже ожидаемого уровня. Мое посещение этого места было не самым приятным, и я не могу рекомендовать его для приятных кулинарных впечатлений.