Food supplier "Nini"

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will close in 1 hour and 21 min.
  • Description

"Nini" is a food supplier specializing in the production and wholesale of cheese in Tbilisi. The company offers a variety of high-quality cheeses with unique flavor and authentic production traditions. Their products are made with care for quality and safety, making Nini a reliable partner for restaurants, stores and other businesses in the food industry. With years of experience and passion for production, Nini has earned the trust and recognition of customers in the region and beyond."

ул. Соломона Додашвили 24, Тбилиси, Грузия
Work schedule
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday — 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

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    Наслышаны о фирме Nini в Тбилиси. Самый крупный поставщик сыра в Грузии. Продукция представлена практически во всех продуктовых магазинах страны, иногда встречается и зарубежом. Радует, что существуют такие компании - локомотивы