

Popular places worth visiting in Kutaisi

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The Most Frequent Questions

How to get to Kutaisi? Are there direct flights?

In order to get to Kutaisi, travelers have several options:

  1. Flights: Kutaisi is served by Kutaisi International Airport, which receives a number of direct flights from various cities in Europe and other countries. It is worth checking airline schedules and possible flights, especially taking into account seasonality.
  2. Buses and minibuses: Buses and minibuses regularly run from such large cities of Georgia as Batumi and Tbilisi to Kutaisi. They provide a fairly convenient and economical way to get to the city.
  3. Trains: Trains, including high-speed ones, run from Tbilisi and other cities to Kutaisi. This option may be especially attractive for those who want to enjoy the scenery of Georgia while traveling.

If you fly into Kutaisi International Airport, you can also use taxi services or rent a car to get to the city center or other places in the region.

When planning your trip, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the schedules and capabilities of various modes of transport in advance in order to choose the most convenient option for you.

Where to stay in Kutaisi for a few days? What hotels or guest houses would you recommend?

If you decide to visit Kutaisi, you will have plenty of accommodation options to suit every taste and budget. Although hotel prices in Kutaisi are usually lower than in Tbilisi or Batumi, the quality of accommodation remains high.

  1. Budget Hostels: For travelers on a budget, Kutaisi has a variety of hostels offering comfortable accommodation at affordable prices.
  2. Guest houses: This is a great option for those looking for a cozy and homely atmosphere. They often provide an opportunity to get to know the local people and their culture.
  3. Hotels: There are many hotels of various categories in Kutaisi, from budget to more expensive and luxurious. Some of them are located in historical buildings, which adds a special charm to the stay.

For more specific recommendations on hotels and guest houses in Kutaisi, it is best to consult popular travel sites and booking services such as Booking.com, Airbnb or Madloba. There you can find reviews from other travelers, photos and detailed descriptions of accommodations to help you make an informed choice.

However, thanks to the many available accommodation options, every traveler will be able to find a suitable option in Kutaisi, combining comfort and affordability.

What are the main attractions in Kutaisi worth visiting?

Kutaisi is one of the oldest cities in Georgia, and its rich history and cultural heritage are reflected in its many attractions. Here are a few places worth visiting in Kutaisi:

  1. Bagrati Cathedral: This majestic cathedral was built in the 11th century and is an important part of Georgian cultural heritage. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  2. Gelati Monastery: Located near Kutaisi, this monastery is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and dates back to the 11th century.
  3. Ukhtsike Fortress: This ancient fortification is located on top of a hill and offers a magnificent view of the city.
  4. Satapli Cave: A famous cave with drip stones and underground lakes that will amaze with its natural grandeur.
  5. Kutaisi Parks: Stroll through the city's green areas, such as the Central Park, where you can enjoy nature and relax.
  6. Kutaisi Market: To experience the local atmosphere, be sure to visit the city market. Here you can try local delicacies and buy souvenirs.
  7. Theater Square: This is the heart of the city, where various cultural and entertainment events take place.
  8. Colchis Fountain: A unique fountain decorated with sculptural images of animals, symbolizing the diversity of the Colchis lowland.
  9. White Bridges Bridge: A historic pedestrian bridge over the Rioni River that is a popular place for walking.

While walking around Kutaisi, pay attention to its unique architecture, ancient streets and friendly residents. The city offers many interesting photography spots, so don't forget to take your camera!

What currency is used in Kutaisi? Can I easily exchange money or withdraw money from ATMs?

In Kutaisi, like the rest of Georgia, the Georgian lari (GEL) is used. The lari symbol is ₾.

  1. Currency exchange: There are many exchange offices in Kutaisi where you can exchange cash for Georgian lari. Often the best rates are offered at banks, but there are also private exchange offices. It is recommended to compare rates in several places before exchanging.
  2. ATMs: ATMs are located throughout the city, and many of them allow you to withdraw cash in both lari and foreign currency. Most international debit and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, etc.) are accepted at ATMs in Georgia. However, it is worth considering that some ATMs may charge a fee for cash withdrawals.
  3. Credit and debit cards: Many restaurants, shops and hotels in Kutaisi accept credit and debit cards. However, if you plan to visit smaller towns or less touristy areas, it is recommended to carry cash with you.
  4. Tip: Before you travel, it is recommended to notify your bank about your visit to Georgia to avoid having your card blocked due to suspicious transactions.

Thus, money in Kutaisi can be easily exchanged or withdrawn, and travelers usually do not encounter problems in this matter.

Which mobile operator works best in this region? Can I buy a local SIM card?

There are several major mobile operators in Georgia, and most of them provide good coverage in Kutaisi and its surrounding areas.

  1. MagtiCom (often simply "Magti"): This operator has one of the widest coverage networks in Georgia. It has good tariffs and fast mobile internet.
  2. Geocell: Another large mobile operator in Georgia with good coverage in most regions, including Kutaisi.
  3. Cellfie (instead of Beeline) Less popular than Magti and Geocell, but also provides reliable services and can have competitive rates, especially for international calls.

Buying a local SIM card is quite simple. You should have your passport with you, as you may be asked for it when purchasing a SIM card. Many kiosks, shops and official retail outlets offer SIM cards, and you can usually choose the plan that suits you on the spot. After purchasing a card, store staff will help you with activation and setup, if necessary.

Thus, in Kutaisi you can easily find a mobile operator that will provide you with stable communication and Internet during your stay

Where can you find national Georgian cuisine? Are there any restaurants you would recommend?

Georgian cuisine is one of the main pleasures for travelers coming to Georgia. There are many establishments in Kutaisi where you can try traditional Georgian dishes.

If you're looking for restaurant recommendations, I recommend checking out the Madloba directory, which contains ratings and reviews of various establishments throughout the city.

In addition to traditional restaurants, Kutaisi has many bars and fast foods, which also serve national Georgian dishes such as khachapuri, khinkali, mtsvadi and others. These establishments can offer a quick and cheaper way to get acquainted with Georgian cuisine.

However, to enjoy true Georgian hospitality and culinary art, it is recommended to visit traditional restaurants, where you can try a variety of dishes prepared according to ancient recipes.

When choosing a restaurant or cafe, be sure to read reviews from other visitors in the Madloba directory or other popular platforms to learn about the experiences of other guests and choose the best place for dinner or lunch.

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  • P
    gray stars
    red stars

    Кутаиси — это любовь с первого взгляда, а Пещера Прометея — любовь с первого спуска вниз. 😍 Все эти сталактиты и сталагмиты заставляют забыть о реальности. И этот мистический свет... В следующий раз беру с собой больше друзей, чтобы вместе деляться впечатлениями в реалтайме!

  • Александр Маркевич
    gray stars
    red stars

    Как только я переступил порог этого города, я понял, что попал в место, где время течет иначе. С первых минут здесь я ощутил невероятное тепло и гостеприимство местных жителей, которые рады поделиться каждым кусочком своей уникальной культуры. Благодаря каталогу Мадлоба, каждый день превращался в новое приключение, наполненное открытиями.

    Я прогулялся по узким улочкам, окруженным старинными зданиями, где каждый камень кажется пропитанным историей. Открыл для себя потрясающие храмы, чьи фрески и архитектура заставляли задерживать дыхание. Но не только исторические памятники поразили меня в глубину души. Природа здесь — настоящее чудо. Зеленые горы, прозрачные реки и воздух, наполненный ароматами цветов и свежести, — это место кажется райским уголком на земле.

    Особое место в моем сердце заняли вкуснейшие грузинские блюда, каждое из которых было настоящим произведением искусства. Хачапури, чурчхела, хинкали, и, конечно, неповторимое грузинское вино — все это я нашел благодаря рекомендациям из каталога. А ужины на закате, когда краски неба сменяют друг друга, как кадры из лучших кинолент, стали моими самыми яркими воспоминаниями.

    Работать удаленно здесь — одно удовольствие. Мирно и вдохновенно, с видами, которые каждый раз как будто подзаряжают новой энергией для творчества. Я обрел здесь не просто места для фотографий или коротких заметок в блог, но настоящие истории, полные жизни, традиций и бесконечной красоты.

    Вернусь ли я сюда снова? Без сомнения. Этот город — как магнит, который притягивает к себе, обещая еще больше неизведанных уголков и теплых встреч. Спасибо тебе, каталог Мадлоба, за то, что открыл для меня это чудесное место. Здесь я нашел не только вдохновение и отдых, но и частичку своего сердца, которую навсегда оставлю среди этих великолепных гор и радушных людей.