Aversi Pharma on Vazha Pshavela Avenue 6

  • Description
  • Branches in Tbilisi (16)

The Aversi-pharm pharmacy in Tbilisi can offer you a great range of household medical equipment and consumables for them.

Here you will find a tonometer for measuring blood pressure, a glucose meter for measuring blood sugar, inhalers. In addition, many means of conventional therapy are provided.

The assortment is full of various kinds of medical cosmetics, creams for the skin of the face or hands, painkillers and other essentials.

Biologically active additives from proven manufacturers are on sale. Aversi-Pharm works only with proven manufacturers.

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Vazha Pshavela Ave. 6, Tbilisi, Georgia
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Work schedule
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday — 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
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