Bookstore "Biblusi"

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  • Description

The Biblusi bookstore is located in Tbilisi and is a true corner for all book lovers. The organization specializes in providing a wide range of books, catering to a variety of literary interests. In the Biblusi store you will find both bestsellers and rare editions, from classics to modern literature.

Clients and visitors leave positive reviews about the quality of service and variety of book offerings at Biblusi. Reviews are a reliable source of information that a store values its customers and is committed to meeting their needs.

The opening hours of "Biblusi" take into account the convenience of customers, and the store address is easy to find in Tbilisi to visit this literary haven. If you have questions or need more information, the store has a contact number where you can get the help you need. "Biblusi" is a place where you can enjoy the world of books and satisfy your thirst for knowledge.

0160, Tbilisi, Vake-Saburtalo District, Iosebidze str. 49
Work schedule

Monday - Friday: 09:30 - 18:00; Saturday: 11:00 - 15:00

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    Ассортимент нормальный. В сравнении с ценами в Беларуси на учебники по английскому тут цены раза в 2 ниже. Можно купить открытки, сувенирчики и всякую канцелярию. Интерьер магазинов приличный и интересный, всё аккуратно разложено, и я однозначно рекомендую посетить это место. Ставлю пять звёзд!