The Georgian National Team Confirms Its Football Brilliance: The Most Expensive Team Of The Division Playoffs From The Opening League"


The Georgian national football team sets a new standard in the world of football sports by becoming the most expensive team participating in the playoffs of the Division C League meeting. According to the German Transfermarkt, the total market value of the players of the team that succeeded in the semi–finals is impressive - 155, 7 million euros.

This record figure means a sharp increase in the value of the Georgian national team players, who in October of this year were estimated at 154 million euros, which has already become progress. The uniqueness of this situation is due to the fact that Transfermarkt has been evaluating teams and players since 2000, and before that the Georgian national team rarely exceeded the 55 million euro mark.

The Georgian national team is ahead of its rivals in the Division C playoffs: in second place is the Greek national team, which costs 148.5 million euros. Luxembourg and Kazakhstan close the list with 30, 9 and 21, 48 million euros, respectively.

It is important to note that in the spring of 2024, the Georgian national team will host Luxembourg in the semifinals, and Greece will compete with Kazakhstan. The final, which will be held in Georgia on March 26, foreshadows a major event where this outstanding team hopes to earn the title of champion again. This success not only raises the flag of Georgia in the football world, but also contributes to their desire for outstanding sporting achievements.

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  • A
    Статья сообщает о успехах сборной Грузии в футболе и ее подтверждении в качестве одной из лучших команд в своей лиге. Это прекрасные новости для футбольной страны, которая продолжает сиять на международной арене. Успех сборной Грузии подтверждает ее талант и профессионализм, а также позволяет укреплять национальную гордость. Надеюсь, что команда продолжит вести себя блестяще и принесет еще больше успехов в будущем. Это обнадеживает для развития футбола в Грузии и вдохновляет молодых футболистов стремиться к международным вершинам.