😎 Weather forecasters have given their forecast!

Теплая погода в Грузии

🌤 Forecasters of Georgia are pleased with their forecasts for the near future, namely:

- 27-28.02 the air in the lowland will warm up to +17...+22 degrees Celsius.

-1.03-06.03 precipitation is expected, the temperature will drop to +13...+18 degrees Celsius.

Schools and kindergartens in the highlands are not working, residents of many areas are left without electricity. There are also restrictions on traffic on the roads.

This is wonderful news, as the residents of Georgia are tired of the bad weather.

Has spring already come to Georgia?

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  • Y
    I am very pleased with this article about the forecast of weather forecasters! It is really accessible and easy to read. In the article I found a lot of interesting information that helped me understand what weather conditions are expected in the near future. Forecasters provided an accurate and detailed forecast, which was very useful to me when planning outdoor activities. Now I feel more confident knowing what to expect from the weather. Many thanks to the author of the article and the weather forecasters for their work! I recommend everyone to read this article and be aware of the weather.
  • Н
    Всю зиму идут снег и дождь. Электропроводка чуть-чуть получает воздействие извне, сразу ломается, люди остаются без электричества. Классно, когда воздух плюс 13 - плюс 18 градусов, ветерок дует, сразу на душе становится тепло, после долгой зимней стужи. Как только жизнь выйдет на прежний лад, люди забудут про зиму до следующей зимы. В Грузию пришла весна.