Mutually beneficial partnership: expansion of the French-Georgian University is expected in Georgia


Together to success: French diplomas are now available to students from Georgia

Last week, a preliminary meeting was held between the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Mr. Amilakhvari, and the Director of the French Institute of Georgia, Mrs. Kami Nora, in order to discuss the further development of the Project "French-Georgian University" in Georgia. As a result of the meeting, they expressed support for the expansion of the project and outlined the prospects for future cooperation.

Launched in 2018, the Franco-Georgian University Project is a unique institutional collaboration between French and Georgian universities. It is aimed at the development of higher education and science in Georgia, as well as the creation of educational courses that will allow students in Georgia to obtain a French diploma.

Mr. Amilakhvari recalled that thanks to the support of the government and the French Embassy, important educational and scientific projects are already being implemented in Georgia.

One of the options for expanding cooperation is the establishment of an independent Georgian-French university in Georgia. This initiative proposal may become a new stage in cooperation between the two countries in the field of education.

Keep following the news, as the planned expansion of the "Franco-Georgian University" may bring even more innovations and new educational opportunities in Georgia and strengthen friendly ties between the two countries.

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    Статья рассказывает о планируемом расширении Франко-Грузинского университета в Грузии и означает будущее взаимовыгодное партнерство. Это важное событие для образования в стране, так как расширение университета создаст новые возможности для студентов и преподавателей. Франко-Грузинский университет известен своим высоким образовательным стандартом и ориентацией на международные стандарты. Расширение университета будет способствовать развитию академической области и привлечению иностранных студентов и преподавателей, что позволит университету стать центром образования и научных исследований. Это важный шаг в развитии образовательной системы Грузии и повышении ее привлекательности для студентов из разных стран.