Germany allocates €23 million to Georgia for the development of "green" hydrogen

Правительство Грузии

The German government will allocate 23 million euros to Georgia for the development of "green" hydrogen. This project will be the first in the Caucasus region and has a huge potential in combating climate change. "Green" hydrogen is produced by electrolysis of water using electricity from renewable energy sources.

In addition to financing "green" hydrogen, Germany and Georgia also agreed to expand cooperation in other areas. The total package of measures for the next two years will amount to 68 million euros. It is planned to improve the water supply and sanitation systems in Batumi and Adjara, as well as the modernization of public transport in Tbilisi and Batumi.

The development of "green" hydrogen has great potential as a seasonal energy storage system. In addition, this fuel can replace fossil fuels in complex areas, such as marine and air transport, as well as in industrial processes. The allocation of funds for the development of "green" hydrogen will contribute not only to the fight against climate change, but also to stimulating the economic development of Georgia.

Georgia and Germany have been maintaining close cooperation for more than 30 years. They have more than 50 agreements on mutual cooperation in various fields, including taxation, defense, culture, education, crime control and investment. The foreign trade turnover between the countries also continues to grow, and in 2022 it increased by 34.7%, reaching $ 741.1 million.

The allocation of financing for the development of "green" hydrogen from Germany stimulates innovation and attracting new investments in Georgia's energy infrastructure. This is an important step in modernizing water supply systems and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The development of "green" hydrogen not only contributes to decarbonization, but also creates new opportunities for the sustainable development of the country.

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  • Y
    I am very happy with this article! She talks about how Germany allocates €23 million to Georgia for the development of "green" hydrogen. This is great news, which shows that international partners are ready to support environmental projects. The development of "green" hydrogen is an important step towards clean and sustainable energy. Such investments will help Georgia to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop its own environmental infrastructure. I hope that other countries will follow the example of Germany and will actively invest in "green" hydrogen. This is an excellent example of cooperation and support for an environmental initiative. Thank you for this article, it inspires and gives hope for a better future!
  • C
    Не знал, что между Грузией и Германией уже долгие годы существуют такие тесные связи. А, оказывается, у них уже более 50 соглашений о взаимном сотрудничестве в различных областях. Радует, что такие разные страны находят точки соприкосновения и реализуют мирные проекты на благо обоих государств. И выделение €23 млн на развитие "зеленого" водорода - еще одно тому подтверждение!