About Georgia and Georgians

Georgia begins research for the construction of a new airport

Georgia begins research for the construction of a new airport

Studies for a new airport in Georgia are beginning, promising improvements to the country's transport infrastructure an…

Germany allocates €23 million to Georgia for the development of "green" hydrogen

Germany allocates €23 million to Georgia for the development of "green" hydrogen

The German government will allocate 23 million euros to Georgia for the development of "green" hydrogen. This…

Major repairs of the main highway of Georgia: renewal and safety in the foreground

Major repairs of the main highway of Georgia: renewal and safety in the foreground

A major overhaul of Georgia's main highway places an emphasis on renewal and road safety.

Festival "Summer freshness in the Botanical Garden": treats, entertainment and knowledge in Tbilisi

Festival "Summer freshness in the Botanical Garden": treats, entertainment and knowledge in Tbilisi

The Summer Freshness Festival at the Tbilisi Botanical Garden combines fun, food and educational activities for the who…

Temporary restrictions in the Gori autotonnels: changes in the traffic flow of Georgia

Temporary restrictions in the Gori autotonnels: changes in the traffic flow of Georgia

Changes to traffic through Georgia's mountain road tunnels are introducing temporary restrictions, impacting traffic fl…

From Otskhana to Hidistavi: Gurian Wine Festival in Western Georgia

From Otskhana to Hidistavi: Gurian Wine Festival in Western Georgia

From Otskkhana to Khidistavi: the Gurian Wine Festival in Western Georgia highlights the richness and diversity of loca…

July Sweets Festival: Ice Cream Festival is expected in Tbilisi!

July Sweets Festival: Ice Cream Festival is expected in Tbilisi!

The Tbilisi Summer Ice Cream Festival promises to be a sweet adventure for residents and visitors of the capital, marki…

Georgia will implement the idea of import substitution: growing olive trees on the ground

Georgia will implement the idea of import substitution: growing olive trees on the ground

Georgia is taking a course towards import substitution, embodying the idea of growing olive trees on its territory as a…

Georgian parliament delays school enrollment age by two weeks: parents gain choice

Georgian parliament delays school enrollment age by two weeks: parents gain choice

Changing the school entry age in Georgia gives parents more freedom of choice, adapting to the individual needs of fami…

🕵️‍♂️ Georgia is fighting against illegal logging.

🕵️‍♂️ Georgia is fighting against illegal logging.

Georgia is actively fighting against illegal logging, emphasizing the desire to preserve natural resources and ecologic…

👨‍💼 Levan Ioseliani - Public Defender!

👨‍💼 Levan Ioseliani - Public Defender!

Levan Ioseliani, the public defender, becomes the voice of the rights and freedoms of citizens, strengthening the legal…

🌟 Registration for children's mass baptism in Georgia has begun.

🌟 Registration for children's mass baptism in Georgia has begun.

Children's mass baptism in Georgia begins recording, continuing spiritual traditions and strengthening the community of…