Salary increase for teachers in Georgia: new opportunities and prospects


In Georgia, there has been a significant increase in salaries for school teachers, which is undoubtedly good news for the country's educational system. Currently, teachers are divided into four categories, each of which differs in status and responsibilities. These categories include teacher practitioners, senior educators, lead teachers, and teacher mentors.

In 2024, the discount rate for teachers in Georgia will be 500 lari, which is approximately equal to 190 US dollars. It should be noted that the maximum salary increase is expected for full-time teachers. This is very encouraging news, which supports professional development and contributes to improving the working conditions of teachers.

It should also be mentioned that in Georgia, teachers' salaries strongly depend on their status in the education system. Depending on the category, teachers' salaries can range from GEL 400 to GEL 1745, which is approximately equivalent to $130 to $550. This demonstrates a wide range of opportunities and encourages teachers to develop professional skills and achieve a higher status.

However, the main news is that since September 2019, teachers with the status of senior teacher, leading teacher and teacher-mentor have received a salary increase of GEL 150 or more. This allows teachers in this category to receive higher remuneration for their work and encourages them to further professional achievements.

This is just the beginning of the changes that have come to the Georgian educational system. Teachers' salaries are expected to increase gradually in the coming years. This positive development reflects the State's desire to improve education and shows its priority in the development of society.

The new salary system for teachers in Georgia gives them more opportunities for professional development and improvement of their economic situation. Teachers can be confident that their role and importance in the educational field are recognized and supported by the state.

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  • A
    Профессия учителя действительно одна из самых сложных. Само собой 190 $ просто смешные деньги, неудивительно почему никто не хочет идти работать в школу. Поэтому многим учителям приходить дополнительно преподавать в качестве репетитора, чтобы выживать.
  • S
    От 400 лари в месяц?! И как молодому специалисту выжить на эти деньги, спрашивается? Нужно брать ещё одну ставку - вот ответ. Другое дело, когда жить, если круглосуточно работать? Ужасно мало получают у нас преподаватели. Нет, понятно, что 1745 лари получают какие-нибудь заслуженные учителя, с наградами и большим стажем, работающие в больших гимназиях. Или вообще директор! Но, что делать выпускнику педучилища? Хорошо, конечно, что правительство поднимет зарплату. Но инфляция быстрее всё сожрёт. Очень грустно.