💰 Children's allowance for the needy will grow in Georgia.

дети играю в детском саду Тбилиси

💵 65 million (about 24 million dollars) were allocated from the state budget of Georgia for benefits for children from poor families. At a meeting of the Parliament, Prime Minister of Georgia I. Garibashvili announced that the allowance will increase from 150 to 200 lari from July 2023. The benefit is intended only for families with the status of socially unprotected.

💲 The amendments have already been prescribed in the calculation of the state budget for 2023. And also this draft state budget assumes an increase in benefits for people who have reached retirement age and for people with disabilities.

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  • A
    Ну если честно, то пособие ужасно маленькое. Хорошо конечно что его увиличивают, но на эти деньги поднимать ребенка на ноги очень трудно. Я надеюсь в ближайшем будущем правительство рассмотрит этот вопрос снова, и повысит сумму хотя бы до 450 лари.