Georgian authorities demand to ban disposable electronic cigarettes: new measures to control tobacco products in the country

Магазин электронных сигарет

It is no secret that Georgia is facing a huge problem in its tobacco industry. According to recent data, more than 60-65% of retail outlets in the country display disposable electronic cigarettes in prominent places. This situation alarmed the Monitoring and Implementation Center of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in Georgia, which called on the authorities to take decisive measures to ban the sale of these cigarettes and strengthen control over compliance with the law.

In 2017, the Parliament of Georgia adopted the law "On Tobacco Control", which prohibits smoking in public places, advertising tobacco products and smoking in the presence of minors. Later, a ban was also imposed on the placement of tobacco products in prominent places in stores.

Unfortunately, however, new tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, continue to fill store shelves. According to the Center's report, compiled in collaboration with the World Health Organization, more than 60-65% of retail outlets place such products in prominent places. A similar situation is observed with advertising: about 70% of advertising

concerns new tobacco products. This report is based on the monitoring results for 2023.

One of the most disturbing findings is that nicotine-free e-cigarettes have become a gateway to other products. Nicotine-free cigarettes are placed prominently on store shelves first, followed by electronic cigarettes with nicotine, vapes, heated tobacco and others. These findings are contained in the Center

's report entitled "Illegal marketing of tobacco products among children and youth." It alarmed the Georgian authorities and became the reason for the preparation of recommendations.

In light of this, the commission of the Center has developed several recommendations for the Georgian authorities. One of the proposals is to ban the sale of disposable electronic cigarettes, as well as replace electronic cigarettes with specific flavors such as menthol, vanilla, apple, chocolate and others. The Center also considers it important to ban the sale of any

tobacco products to those who were born after 2015, even after reaching the age of majority (starting in 2033).

In addition, the Center emphasizes the need for Georgia's accession to the international treaty - protocol on the elimination of illicit trade in tobacco products and the continuation of enhanced monitoring of the implementation of anti-tobacco legislation. The recommendations also include periodic seminars for health professionals focused

on the dangers of new tobacco products and the introduction of new treatments.

The Center also emphasizes the importance of increasing the availability of smoking cessation services. He also advocates the introduction of a special tax or compensation for the tobacco industry to minimize damage and ensure funding for public health activities.

We hope that Georgia takes these recommendations seriously and takes measures to regulate its tobacco industry in the fight for the health of its citizens.

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  • S
    Запретный плод сладок. Чем больше запретов , тем больше спрос. Я не курю и ни когда даже не пробовала, к тнм кто курит отношусь ровно , это их выбор. Но так , чтобы не вредило окружающим. Электронные сигареты , на мой взгляд еще больше несут вреда и даже они должны быть запрещены для употребления в общественных местах.
  • S
    Эта тема с электронными сигаретами и их якобы меньшим вредом для здоровья, очень сильно напоминает мне то, что в США в 30-60 годах продавали детские сигареты. Они же детские! Как они могут принести вред? А теперь эти парилки с ароматом синтетической клубники. Сторонники электронок утверждают, что раз там нет никотина, то всё в порядке. Может и нет там никотина, но зависимость то от них есть! Вот бы их вообще запретили.