A new supply of the American vaccine is expected in the country

To date, Pfizer is the most popular antiemetic drug among residents of Georgia. Therefore, the next batch of medicines will arrive at the first-aid posts in mid-August.

Taking into account the high demand for the drug, the Georgian Ministry of Health has decided to increase the list of clinics in which it is possible to vaccinate produced in the USA.

At the moment, Pfizer vaccination is in full swing on the territory of the state, half a million doses of which were received on the 20th of July. You can get vaccinated in 37 state medical centers.

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1 comment

  • M
    Наконец-то можно будет поставить прививку, одобренную Всемирной Организацией Здравоохранения. Я долго ждал поставки вакцин американского и европейского образца. И Pfizer, на мой взгляд, лучший вариант из всех существующих в мире вакцин. Теперь можно будет спокойно выезжать в другие страны и вести спокойный образ жизни.