An increase in flu cases is expected in Georgia: specialist's forecast

Исследовательский центр инфекционных заболеваний и клинической иммунологии

Georgian doctors express concerns about a possible increase in flu cases in the near future. With the onset of the cold season, flu and other viral infections will surely begin to spread, according to one of the experts. It is noted that the probability of an increase in cases of influenza infection will exist, but this season will not be as active in terms of morbidity as last year. Such conclusions were made by the famous medical doctor Ivane Chkhaidze, who is the medical director of the Tbilisi Central Children's Hospital named after Iashvili.

Georgia is a country where H1N1 and H1N3 viruses are most common. Existing symptoms of infection with these viruses include fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, and general weakness. Ivane Chkhaidze noted that influenza viruses mainly circulate among children. He emphasized several basic recommendations for patients: control of body temperature, increase fluid intake and consult a doctor in case of complications. The specialist also noted that despite the increase in cases of viral diseases in early January, the overall situation in Georgia and around the world is much better than in 2023.

Ivane Chkhaidze stressed that influenza has become the main dominant virus, and in early December its share accounted for 16% of all cases, but now this figure has increased to 26%.

However, the weather also plays an important role in the spread and increase of cases of viral and colds. It is predicted that with the arrival of colder days, the number of cases will increase.

In addition to the flu, other viruses such as rhinovirus and respiratory virus are circulating in Georgia. Ivane Chkhaidze drew attention to this phenomenon. As for the COVID-19 coronavirus, the specialist noted that its activity has significantly decreased, and it accounts for no more than 2.5% of the total number of cases of diseases.

According to the World Health Organization, vaccination and the use of medical masks remain the main methods of combating the COVID-19 coronavirus and influenza.

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