The power of reason: the impact of excessive examinations on children

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Georgian physician Inga Mamuchishvili believes that it is necessary to protect children from unnecessary examinations, which can become a real trauma. It is necessary, the doctor emphasizes, to coordinate all procedures with the doctor, and not to take independent steps.

The desire of parents to provide favorable conditions for their children sometimes turns into an unrestrained thirst for laboratory examinations. According to Mamuchishvili, it has become very popular nowadays to check the content of lead, lithium and other heavy metals in a child's body just for health purposes.

Mamuchishvili says that many parents seek advice several times a year, check the restraint of sources and even conduct invasive examinations without wasting a minute. But her call to stop there does not subside.

"It is necessary to feel sorry for the child's nervous system and their own finances," the doctor says, reflecting the significant problem that families often face. Beneficial Evenings is a new trend that carries all the signs of hypochondria - the fear of disease. Inga Mamuchishvili argues that this is an unreasonable state of panic, which is closely related to the excessive demands of parents.

Ignoring the needs and condition of the child can lead to undesirable results. Mamuchishvili urges parents to carefully control their behavior and respond to the growing hypochondria rationally and flexibly.

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