The government decided to "forgive" covid debtors.

At the last press conference, the First Minister of the country made a statement on the cancellation of unpaid administrative penalties from individuals and legal entities.

The Georgian government "got into the situation" of local residents and decided to cancel all outstanding debts on coronavirus fines.

We are talking about the removal of monetary debts for violation by citizens of the rules and restrictions in force during the pandemic and quarantine.

In total, during the period of the restrictions, offenses in the amount of approximately 76 million lari were recorded.

The debt of more than 240 thousand residents and 344 organizations will be liquidated in the near future.

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  • И
    Просто офигеть. Просто так взяли и отменили штрафы во время пандемии. Да конечно был экономический повод, но все же, если бы так делали в других странах, было бы просто шикарно. Теперь хотя бы грузины могут выдохнуть из-за отсутствия штрафов и сосредоточится на более серьезных вещах. Надеюсь в Грузии скоро отменят ограничения.