The next delivery of COVID-19 vaccines is expected in a few days.

Today, the situation with the provision of medicines is controlled by state authorities so that the vaccination process in the country is in full swing already in July.

To motivate citizens to participate in the vaccination process, local authorities are considering an additional system of benefits.

A new large-scale import of an antitussive drug from Chinese manufacturers is expected just a few days ago. According to official data, by the end of the week the cargo will arrive at its destination.

The largest Beijing pharmaceutical corporation Sinopharm will provide its coronavirus drug in the amount of 500 thousand doses, and the same number of Sonovac.

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1 comment

  • M
    Вакцина сейчас очень нужна, особенно старикам и пожилым людям. Но насчет того насколько она безопасна я не уверен, себе бы ее колоть не стал. Могут быть различные побочные эффекты, да и в целом не хочется быть подопытным кроликом, на котором испытывают какие-то препараты, которые в целом могут быть опасными.