How is the vaccination against covid: the latest data

To date, the country has received 163 thousand doses of the American drug Pfizer, setting a record of its kind for the number of applications for a drug per day. Approximately eight thousand people will receive a daily dose of the medication.

However, according to the head of the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, these measures are not enough, it is necessary to increase the number of vaccination points in the next two weeks.

Despite the fact that the queue for vaccination is occupied until mid-August, it is necessary that as many citizens as possible can be vaccinated against coronavirus in the coming days, the Center's management believes.

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  • M
    Вакцинация как по мне не выход, не лучше ли было бы лечить тех, кто заболевает? Тогда было бы меньше последствий, чем от той же самой прививки. Лично я не рискну вводить себе эту непонятную смесь в кровь, ведь это может иметь неожиданные последствия, которых я хотел бы избежать. Хотя возможно я и ошибаюсь, но предосторожность не помешает.