Georgian authorities promise to cancel the "curfew" if possible

In order to give people back the opportunity to enjoy ordinary life, meet friends and attend social events, it is necessary to wait for the stabilization of the epidemiological regime in the country, said the director of the Tbilisi Infectious Diseases Hospital, Professor Tsertsvadze. If the incidence goes down and the dynamics of the process persists for a long period, it is possible to cancel the most severe covid restrictions already this month.

Since March last year, there have been "curfews" on the territory of Georgia, during which movement around the city is prohibited. Also, all citizens are required to wear a mask even outdoors.

Non-compliance with the rules entails monetary penalties from the violator.

The chief infectious disease specialist notes the positive effect of wearing masks - the percentage of infection among protected citizens is close to zero. However, wearing them in the open space can be canceled if the rate of spread of the coronavirus in the country allows.

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1 comment

  • M
    Было бы очень хорошо, если бы так и произошло. Я очень рад что мир потихоньку начинает оправляться от пандемии и всемирной болезни. Надеюсь что все это закончится как можно скорее, и последствия будут минимальными. Хотя возможно последствия будут более серьезными чем можно подумать.