Clinics with a cosmetologist's office in Georgia

The team of cosmetology clinics located in Georgia consists of highly qualified specialists of a wide profile who are ready to help you with the treatment of skin diseases of any complexity. You can schedule a consultation with a cosmetologist by phone at a time convenient for you.

The cosmetologist at the clinic will select the necessary care for you, prescribe treatment and tests if necessary, or refer you to another specialist of the required profile.

In clinics, it is possible not only to cure acne but also to remove scars, stretch marks on any part of the body, prevent aging skin changes on the face, perform phyto-rejuvenation, and eliminate pigmented spots.

You can also buy the necessary professional cosmetics recommended by the doctor, which meets international quality standards. There is an opportunity to buy a gift certificate of any denomination for your loved ones and friends.

Косметолог в Грузии

1 comment

  • T
    Кто знает есть ли в Кобулети солярий для загара ???